Weekly menu plan

This morning marks six months from the time we met with the geneticist and were told that the testing results conclusively showed that Yirmiyahu had Trisomy 21.  As such, I was scheduled for a follow up visit today with the geneticist  but decided against going – I’m assuming (based on the first visit) they want to see how we’re coping emotionally and offer counseling if we’re suffering too much grief or emotional pain.  That’s not really where we’re at so I cancelled the appointment along with the appointment with the pediatric hematologist (which was scheduled for the sake of convenience since it was at the same hospital, but Yirmiyahu doesn’t need to be seen until March).  So instead of spending hours on the bus, I can post my menu plan for the week.  🙂

Sunday – b – oatmeal; l – mushroom barley soup; d- stir fry, roast potatoes, beans

Monday – b – banana bread; l – lentil soup; d – meatloaf, french fries, salad

Tuesday – b – pancakes; l – baked potatoes, souffle, tomato salad; d – colcannon

Wednesday – b – fried potatoes, breakfast beans; l – lentil rice casserole, salad; d – cabbage meat soup, baked potatoes

Thursday – b – banana bread; l – chili; d – kasha pilaf, meatballs, vegetables

Friday – b – apple oat scones; l – split pea soup

My dd18 did the planning last week, and stayed up late one night when I was already sleeping and filled the freezer with a number of dishes for the coming week, like the proverbial shoemakers elf. 🙂 As I was writing this out, I got a call from the municipality education representative – he got a report from the school that I refused the psychological counseling ‘recommended’ and wants to meet with me this afternoon to see if we can cooperate with one another.  (This is a nicely phrased way of saying they want me to agree to do what they want – my experience with institutions has repeatedly been that ‘cooperation’ is one sided. )  Since I already have a physical therapy appointment for Yirmiyahu in the afternoon and now this meeting, dd’s planning and preparation will be an even bigger help than I envisioned!


5 thoughts on “Weekly menu plan

  1. I think this is an Israeli cultural diffrence in terms of “refusing” to meet with the municilality…I believe they think that of ALL OLIM. Nothing can be farther from the truth! Americans are so on top of the academics and behaviors…..Israelis just need to give us some breathing room and time to adjust 🙂 Not only is it all whole new educational system and culture, but also there is so much miscommunication out there in terms of what the haredi schools in the north can and can not provide, which would make no sense in terms of going to the municipality for educational/psychological help. In America is is all done privately, let alone each family has multiple children and must way in who needs educational priority at what time based on their own motherly insinct! They are completely misjudging olim as they continue to denote we are “refusing” to meet with them – they need to understand “one step at a time” – Hazlachah! You might find a friend there!

  2. Oy, a big hug to you. Could one of the olim organizations be of any assistance in talking with the Iriya about the norms of olim children? Anyone from NBN?

    1. Thanks for the warm sentiments, Rachel!

      I had an hour long meeting with the kabas (representative of municipality education wing) of Karmiel, which went very well. He started off by telling us that our family is well-thought of (‘hmm’, I grimly thought as I listened, ‘don’t try to soften me up!’), and though he said he would like to see us send dd to the psychologist – he said it couldn’t hurt, it would be a nice bonus – they won’t force us.

      In the end said they see that we’re involved and responsible parents who have been very invested in our children’s education, and they trust our judgment of the situation. I hope that we can now close the door on this topic.

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