Funnix math and reading programs – free until Dec. 20

Funnix has a free offer of their early reading (kids approx. 4 – 7) and beginning math program (approximately kindergarten).  This morning I ordered both.  Click here to see the details of the offer.

I tend to be cautious about computer based learning because while there is so much potential learning online, there are disadvantages and online time has to be carefully moderated.  Computer learning can often make skill acquisition easier when the material is presented in a fun and engaging way.   Too much screen time is unhealthy for kids so any computer learning should be used sparingly.

Years ago I noticed that even after 30 minutes on a computer learning game, my kids were more edgy and irritable for a period of time afterward and at that point I cut out just about all computer games as a result.    Now I use computer time in small bite sized pieces and this has been pretty effective in minimizing the negative effects, of being too zoned into the computer and too zoned out of human connection.


5 thoughts on “Funnix math and reading programs – free until Dec. 20

    1. They always want more time – I think that’s pretty typical. Computers, like sugar, have an addictive quality and I don’t think any of the kids appreciate my limitations until they get older. I try to help them focus on appreciating the time they get instead of complaining it wasn’t more.

    1. I’m very conservative and can only share what I do. I’m not saying these are guidelines for everyone else!

      My kids really don’t use the computer much until they’re teens. Right now I let my little kids do Starfall once every few weeks for about 15 – 20 minutes a turn (and they’re allowed to watch each other have a turn) but we watch educational programs a few times a week so though it’s not computer use it’s still screen time.

      I’m okay with about 15 – 20 minutes a day total for my kids who are 6 and 7, less for the 4.5 year old and realistically think I’d use these programs three to four times a week at the most. I just don’t see myself doing it more often than that.

  1. Just wanted to say thanks for telling us about this!

    We have been using the reading program for a few weeks now (as has my sister with her kids, since I passed it on to her), and it is great!

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