And this is what I’ve been busy with lately….

Lately I’ve been dealing with the kind of tension that strongly reminds me of when we were preparing to move to Israel.

I had a lot of anxieties about our moving plans and sometimes wanted to share about it here as well as how I countered those anxieties.  However, I didn’t want to give more power to my worries by writing about them.   I didn’t want to say anything about it until all the details were worked out because of my fear that it wouldn’t work out and then once it all worked out, it didn’t seem worth writing about because it was in the past.

Later, I regretted not having shared about it because it was an incredibly powerful time that forced me to develop a lot of faith and trust that things would work out for us despite everything around us seeming to point to it being impossible.  Well, the spiritual muscles I developed at that time have gotten flabby and now I’m having to work them out again!

Here’s what’s going on:

We’re planning to leave Karmiel and move to a city near the center of the country.  

You probably remember that last year I announced we were planning to move, and then I was burned.  It was clear after my accident that it wasn’t the right time to move.  When we decided to stay in Karmiel, we were hoping it would be for the long term.  We wanted it to be for the long term.  But as lovely as it is here, we have many reasons for moving and these have only gotten stronger with the passage of time.  We’re not moving away from anything but moving toward something that better fits our needs.

In the last ten weeks I’ve been busy looking for a new home and though the details aren’t all worked out, things are moving forward!

As of now I’ve found a home to purchase, gotten financing approval, gotten a verbal approval from the seller, and last night approved the sales contract our lawyer forwarded to us from their lawyer.  I hope we’ll be signing a purchase contract very soon (the sellers live overseas so all parts of the process take longer).  I just made a process that has been emotionally draining sound really nice and easy, didn’t I??  🙂

It hasn’t been nice and easy.

I’m happy to say that even though there are some things that I could be stressing out about right now, I’m feeling calm and relaxed.  I’m a person who finds uncertainty stressful and I’ve had to remind myself a number of times that if I’m feeling stressed, it’s because of how I’m thinking about things. It’s helped me to say the Serenity Prayer several times a day and actively try to apply this perspective to the challenges that come up.

I’m not yet able to answer questions about when and where we’ll be moving but will share that with you as more specifics are worked through!



6 thoughts on “And this is what I’ve been busy with lately….

  1. wishing you hatzlocha and brocha that all the details should go easilly with your buying and moving. waiting to hear the good news about where it is!!

  2. I can relate to how you are feeling as we are reaching the final stages of our Aliyah planning. Very easy to feel a constant state of stress over the 1001 details. I have noticed though, that every obstacle that seems insurmountable, eventually gets cleared away. So no reason to think the same won’t eventually happen with the next obstacle! Also, I find it very important to recognize that when something isn’t perfect or exactly what we wanted, we still need to grab it b/c it may be what’s best for us and waiting out for the perfect situation will cause us to end up with nothing at all or something much less desirable. Hatzlacha with your move and the myriad preparations and I pray it is for the best for your whole family.

  3. moving is up there on the list of the more stressful things in life, hopefully things will work out as smoothly as possible! Hatzlacha rabba.

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