Traveling back north for Yirmiyahu’s surgery

Pesach was wonderful but I don’t have much time to reflect on it since I’m due in Haifa by 10am Sunday morning!

Back in January, the surgeon put Yirmiyahu (2.5 yr.) on the priority list for surgery after I told him we planned to move to RBS in the summer.  (The surgery is to correct vesicoureteral reflux of the bladder that has caused kidney swelling and scarring; the doctors were hoping it would improve on it’s own but it’s remained at the level five degree of risk, which is the most severe.)

Surprisingly, just a month ago I got a notification that Yirmiyahu was scheduled for surgery immediately after Pesach – I didn’t expect something that soon.  At that point I reevaluated if it was a good idea to move before Pesach since this would complicate things for us.  But we decided to go ahead with the move and also go ahead with the surgery as planned rather than have to find a new surgeon in a different part of the country and wait months before it could be rescheduled.  It’s important to have this done and we don’t want to delay.

We need to be there a day before the surgery is scheduled to take care of the prep; the actual surgery is scheduled for Monday morning.

Yirmiyahu and I hope to be home in three days.  I won’t have online access until we get back but I thank you in advance for any good wishes and prayers!

If you would like to say a prayer that the surgery is successful and that Yirmiyahu has an easy and complete healing, I would deeply appreciate it – his name is Yirmiyahu ben Avivah Michaela.


4 thoughts on “Traveling back north for Yirmiyahu’s surgery

  1. Refuah Shelaima! Davening the surgery goes well. My DD16 had grade IV reflux (duplex collecting system). She had a cystoscopy at Shaarei Tzedek at age 1 to elminate a ureterocele. BH the reflux had mostly resolved by the time she was 4.

  2. Praying for your sweet Yirmiyahu… May everything go well and be successful and may you return soon to your home.

  3. שמתי את ירמיהו ברשימתי מאות(אם לא אלפי)נשיםיהודיות בעולם יתפללו לשלומו,מצטערת לשמוע שהניתוח נדחה גם זו לטובה כנראה שהייתה סיבה טובה
    המון ברכות

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