Cellular memory – emotional imprinting on unborn child

Several weeks ago I met with the midwife I was planning to have at my birth, and we we had a long and fascinating conversation.  One of the things that I appreciated about when taking my detailed personal birthing history was how insightful her questions were.  For example, when I detailed one very long and difficult birth in which the baby was asynclitic, she told me it sounded like a child who wasn’t ready to be born.  And then she asked me about that child’s personality and way of dealing currently with new situations, and how it correlates (strong correlation).  It was fascinating, and very much in line with my belief that every unborn child is imprinted at a deep level with the emotions his mother experiences during her pregnancy.

When I recently took one of my children for an appointment for reflexology, a meditation was played aloud during the session and the practitioner told me I would probably benefit by letting myself follow along with it, too.  I told her that I already do regular meditations and surprised, she asked why.  I answered that I have so many stresses in my life right now that I feel I have to make a conscious effort to stay emotionally balanced in order to be present for my family and myself in a healthy way.

After she finished the session, she asked me about how the pregnancy and birth of this child were.  At the end of that pregnancy I had a lot of stress in my life and correspondingly, a lot of negative thinking.  (Since then I’ve tried to be much more careful about my thoughts and feelings during pregnancy.)  I told the practitioner, who knows that I’ve been recently dealing with some  intense stresses in a very concentrated period of time, that this is a large part of why I’ve made a conscious effort to relax with meditations.  I don’t want to imprint emotionally in a negative way on this baby.  She immediately agreed with me that imprinting happens on the cellular level, known as cell memory, before a child’s birth, and becomes part of a child’s makeup.

It was very interesting to have had these two conversations with the midwife and naturopath.  This is the kind of thing that people don’t talk about much, you don’t see much written about, because it’s not quantifiable.  It’s something that happens almost at the soul level to a child, and is very real regardless of if you can see it or not.  When I used to go to my chiropractor in the US, she did deep energy clearing at this level, which I appreciated.  Now I don’t have access to that, but I did bring my Bach flower essence kit with me, and this is an ideal tool for facilitating soul level healing.

You know the saying, “You are what you eat”?  I think it’s just as accurate, perhaps even more so, to say, “You are what you think”!


8 thoughts on “Cellular memory – emotional imprinting on unborn child

  1. I’ve never heard it put quite like that. However, the year I was pregnant with my son was one of the happiest of my life & I’ve often wondered if that’s why my son has an such happy personality.

  2. do you think that is imprinted in stone or can that be changed? and if so, how? meaning, if the cells of the parent imprint on the baby, are we doomed by our cellular memories? i’d love your insights on this…

  3. I don’t find that my bach flower remedy drops do much for me stress-wise. Do you think they are having no affect at all or I’m not noticing it when I’m stressed?

  4. This is so depressing. When preg with my dd, it was one of the most stressful times of my life. When preg with my last, it was also pretty stressful. I’m so gad to know that I’ve screwed them up 🙁

  5. There were some pretty difficult pregnancies/births in the Torah as well. HaShem chose those babies to be our leaders. Moses was born premature, Rivkah had a hard time. I am sure Sarah hard a hard time at her age. G-d is in ultimate control and decides when the child will be born and what stresses there are. Life is hard, but those hard things make us who we are.

  6. Avivah, thanks for bringing up this important topic. This is something that comes up a lot in my work as a holistic health practitioner. There are several ways to address this, and no, one does not necessarily become “messed up” for life as a result of mom’s life stresses during pregnancy/birthing/early parenting. There are a number of modalities that I use in my practice, such as Kinergetics, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, as well as Bach flowers in customized formulas and some other things to create shifts in patterjns of thinking and being. Am working on a blog post on this .topic for my new blog. Stay tuned!

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