Today is Day 30 of 31 for 21.
Sometimes I read studies that come out and I almost shake my head that something so intuitive had to be scientifically proven. The one I’m sharing today is like that, but it’s valuable anyway as a reinforcer for all you parents who read with your kids and involve them in the story- in short, you’re doing a really good thing for them!
“Research has found that reading with young children and engaging them can make a positive impact on the child’s future and their family.” Here’s the synopsis of the study here.
Hi Avivah, I was wondering if you, and everybody else out there, could share your thoughts on this question: We have two small children very close in age that we are thinking about homeschooling. Although we don’t want to box them into categories and will of course see how they develop, we suspect one is going to be an artistic soul and the other very academically inclined. An obvious advantage of homeschooling is honing their individual strengths, but we also don’t want their relationship to be damaged by competitiveness when they differ. What do you think? Thanks!
Shuli, I have a lot of differently inclined kids! I’ll try to post a response to this in the near future.