Freezing hard cheese

I recently mentioned that you can freeze hard cheese.  But there are a couple of things to be aware of.  Firstly, when hard cheese is frozen and then defrosted, the consistency will be different.  Specifically, it will be crumbly, which is good if you buy a block of cheese since it makes shredding it a breeze.  All you have to do is slice it thinly while still frozen and it will fall apart into crumbles. 

But what if you don’t want to have shredded cheese?  Does that mean that freezing cheese won’t work for you?   No.  You just need to be aware of another bit of useful information, that I’m about to disclose to you. 🙂  If you leave the cheese on your counter, where it can get warm and almost melty, and then put it in the freezer, the consistency won’t be crumbly when defrosted.

Gosh, I have no idea where I pick these things up.  But they come in handy sometimes!


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