Ready for a new fridge

This morning my ds3 was taking food without permission and my dd9 went into the kitchen to stop him, when she suddenly called out in dismay, “Mommy, E. totally broke the fridge!”  Her voice was very alarmed but I didn’t hear anything fall or smash, and I couldn’t imagine what a three year old could do.  I went into the kitchen and discovered that the fridge door had come totally off the hinges!  Oh, what excitement!

I managed to get it closed to keep the cold air in until dh could fix it.  He went to the hardware store and cobbled it together for now, though I’ll have to lift the bottom of the door with my foot to close it once it’s reopened.  Interestingly, when we spoke afterwards, we had both had the exact same initial response!  We both felt happy and lucky that this happened, because we thought, “Oh, good!  H-shem wants to send us a new and better fridge so He’s putting this one out of order!”

I can’t yet share with you the amazing details of my wonderful new fridge.  But I’m absolutely positive that there’s a beautiful fridge waiting for me – one that will have lots more space, be more attractive, be more energy efficient, and of course it will be a magnificent price. 🙂  Now I just have to wait to see when and how it shows up!


7 thoughts on “Ready for a new fridge

  1. Oy yoy yoy!! 🙂 Our 3-year-old did a smiliar thing a couple of months ago, only instead of the fridge, it was the kitchen sink and she somehow pulled something and there was a GIANT leak/flood in the kitchen. Oh, the excitement.

    1. Do you suppose that 3 year olds have some special dismantling ability? 🙂

      Kerith, you have to tell us if this happened on erev Shabbos! Without fail every single plumbing related issue has been on Friday afternoon. Definitely has provided us opportunities to model staying calm in the midst of pressure!

  2. 3-year-olds are definitely uniquely talented in this arena. B”H, no it was not erev shabbos. But a burst pipe was last winter!

  3. 3 year olds may do stuff like that on Erev Shabbos, but grownups like me break kitchen plumbing on Erev Pesach! Let me tell you, THAT was fun! I was so lucky that there were other KLP apartments to do all the washing up for our 40 guests that Yom Tov.

    Oh the memories.

  4. LOL – the most stressful situations can created the most fun family memories! You’re never laughing when it happens, but there’s plenty to laugh about later on! We’ve had our share of plumbing fun, so I know. 🙂

    Like when our plumbing broke right before Thanksgiving weekend (therefore the maintenance man was unreachable for three days), and we only had one bathroom and five children under the age of 8 – so we had to use the public park restrooms (five minute walk from our house) all weekend long (and that’s the option I had to offer our guests, too)!

    Or the dirty water from the dishes being washed in the kitchen that started squirting up into our utility sink right before Shabbos and then overflowing the laundry room floor (naturally when we were having guests). Or the sewage that backed up all over the basement from the outside sewer lines. And we’ve had our share of overflowing toilets, etc. Yes, fun memories!

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