Update on dd18

I’ve gotten a couple of emails this week asking about how dd18 is doing, asking if they should continue saying tehillim for her.

I’m very grateful to share that dd18 is doing much, much better.  Her full recovery will take time and it is currently anticipated that she will remain in the US for an extended period, but we are optimistic that she will continue to improve with time, and believe that a complete recovery is not only possible but probable.

For all of you who have been saying tehillim for her, thank you so much!  There’s no question in my mind that your prayers and concern for her have had an impact in her recovery process, and I am so grateful to you all.  The tehillim circle that was begun is officially now over.  However, knowing the power of prayer we would be grateful if you would continue to keep her in your thoughts.

At this time in which I’m sharing my gratitude with you for our daughter’s progress, I’d like to request your prayers for two others who are going through difficult health situations right now: Yonatan Simcha ben Leah Rivka, an eleven year old boy in my community just diagnosed with lymphoma, and Chaim Dovid Reuven ben Chana Rochel, a father of several children who has stage 4 lung cancer.

May all those in need of healing have a full recovery in every way!


10 thoughts on “Update on dd18

  1. There have been many times where I replayed our conversation in my mind and gotten chizzuk to keep going when in a rough patch or people making comments to me. Thank you…

  2. Oops posted in the wrong place but that was my next post…BH for good news, may she continue to get better!!!

  3. Thank you for the update. I was concerned for her but didn’t want to bother you by asking. May she and all the cholim have a refua sh’laima b’karov.

  4. thank you so so much both for the update about T and about chaim dovid reuven… for anyone who is kind enough to take on to daven for him, his cancer has spread, and is in his brain, among other places… they have done a course of radiation on his brain, and it is truly going to be only through tefilos and the will of Hashem that he can have any chance at recovery… so his family asked me to please pass on their sincerest gratitude for anyone who may be willing to daven or do acts of chessed on his behalf. thank you again- and that is wonderful and encouraging news about T! 🙂

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