I started this blog in 2006 as an act of service for young mothers, as a way to share my experience in navigating the parenting path for those earlier on in their journeys.
As readers asked questions, I responded with posts addressing their points of interest. This led me to diverge from the exclusive focus on parenting that I began with, to share about health and nutrition, homeschooling, home management, frugality and more.
My life continues to evolve as time goes by. Whatever I do, I want to live consciously and with intention, to actively craft a life that is meaningful to me and that brings me contentment. That’s been my focus from the beginning and will continue to be my focus, regardless of the specifics that I share about at each given stage.
My family has expanded with the addition of foster children and that means that I continue to be actively involved as a parent to young children as well as teenagers. At the same time, I have six married children and am a grandmother to many grandchildren (the newest addition was born to my second son and his wife almost four weeks ago!). I’m now 51 and one area of reflection for me right now is about how to navigate the next stage of life gracefully.
I would like to share about whatever topics that are on my mind. However, this blog isn’t for me – it’s for you. My purpose is to share my experience, insights, tips, and struggles in an authentic way to help you. To do that, I want to know what kind of topics are of the most value and interest to you.
Your questions and comments to what I write are the most helpful way for me to know what you’re thinking. Otherwise, I’m guessing if you love it or hate it what I wrote…or are completely indifferent. Without your comments, I’m left not knowing if what I wrote was of benefit to you.
Sooooo…. I’d love to hear from you! What is it that keeps you coming back to regularly read what I share? What topics interest you, what do you love and what topics do you want to hear more about? Please share your thoughts and suggestions below!
Thanks in advance for helping me to share content that is aligned with your needs and interests!
Good morning Avivah,
I’m still reading your blog after all these years (I got to “know” you when you’d comment on my blog in the early days, you still lived in the U.S. then!) because I love your calm, common sense, kind approach to parenting and life in general, and I learn a lot from you!
Also I find your life interesting, whether it’s about navigating the screwy foster system there or about living in Israel, just because it’s different in some ways from my own life here in the U.S.
I read every post, but just don’t comment much.
Thank you for being my friend so far away who I’ve never met, but I feel like I know you. Also thank you over the years for the advice you’ve shared when I’ve emailed about some sticky topics that I needed a neutral ear for. 🙂
I am in your age bracket and like you have a married child and children as young as five, so I welcome your posts on these topics as well as the other ones you post. I find them interesting and helpful.
Thank you for sharing your life and perspective with us!
I really enjoy the broad amount of subjects you share with us. i am so grateful and have tried many ideas of yours, weather in raising children, cooking or trying to save at shops. Whatever you share with us is a treat. Thank you!
I benefit greatly from hearing how you soar through life’s ups and downs. Your open honest outview on how you manage to handle difficult situations amazes me.
It’s not like you sugar coat life, rather show us the whole story which is something you don’t see much around.
I have you alot in my mind when times are rough. I ask myself: “How would Aviva respond to this?”