The wild plants are shooting up all around us and this morning as soon as I put our children on their school vans, I took the goats out to graze to enjoy the abundance!
It’s so peaceful to be with them in the quiet of the morning, watching them jump and happily pounce on their fresh salad spread. I love seeing how happy they are.
Enjoy a slice of my morning!
Dixie and Dakota, nine month doelings – Dixie is the baby goat that was on death’s door who I saved by dripping maple syrup water into her mouth with a strawDakota – the two doelings are completely identical except Dakota’s ears both stick straight up, and Dixie’s right ear is slightly bent – that’s how I tell them apart. Look at them in the next picture and see if you can identify which is which.Mocha, munching on a mouthful of grassEnjoying the lavish salad bar before them