Our little Rafael is growing fast and just celebrated his first birthday!
It’s been ten months since he joined our family. Ds11 told me he doesn’t feel like it’s been that long – on one hand, it feels like he’s always been with us and on the other, time has flown by!
Here’s a picture of Yirmi (then 4.5) and Rafael (2 months) in the first hour after he arrived home.

Here they are again, ten months later!

Rafael is super active, cute and generally a very happy little guy. We appreciate that except at 2 am, when we would rather he sleep. 🙂

Grateful for this little member of our family and we look forward to many more birthdays to come!
I am a developmental pediatrician in Jerusalem and sometimes see children with Downs syndrome. i would like to speak to you or connect by email. thanks
mazel tov! beautiful little one! glowing smile!
Happy birthday! He is adorable!!
Goodness. Ten months gone already – how can that be?!?
I am just so, so happy that every time I come to visit your blog these days, you have more good news to share! It really makes my heart sing with joy.
Happy Birthday Rafael!
Oh my goodness, could they possibly be any cuter?
As always, much sweet nachath to you all!!! B”SD
Adorable. Lots of nachas!