I’m Avivah Werner, grateful mother of thirteen incredible humans. I’m passionate about living a life that is meaningful and peaceful with my family, one day at a time, and if that resonates with you, I’d love to share with you what has worked for me. 

Long ago when I had just three children, I became a doula and childbirth educator, and it was then in 1996 that I began living out my passion of helping other women achieve a meaningful, powerful, positive family life.

Time went on, my own family grew – and grew – and grew!  And my challenges grew as well. Sometimes you think you have all the answers and then you realize, you really don’t.

I was sure somewhere there was the help I was looking for, and I continued to add to my knowledge – reading lots of parenting books, taking classes, religiously applying what I learned to my own family. While my kids were considered well-behaved by many, parenting felt so hard and draining.  I kept wondering if there was something I was missing.

As a long term student of personal development, I searched for answers outside of the realm of parenting.  As I encountered new ideas, I considered them, I considered some more  – and then my family was the laboratory where I applied various ideas that seemed to make sense.

Some of those ideas were successful, some weren’t.  But I learned from them all.  And I began to experience a new level of satisfaction as my sense of purpose and clarity grew.

I identified six principles for building strong families – connection, compassion, courage, calm, clarity and correction – and these became the foundation of what later became the Leadership Parenting approach.

People were constantly asking what I was doing to create the positive and respectful environment they witnessed in our home.  As I shared my thoughts and suggestions with other parents, I was thrilled that this approach to parenting resonated with them, too.  As they applied the principles that I shared, their homes also became happier and more peaceful places.

If you want to transcend the gap between your wishful thinking of what your family could be and what reality looks like for you now, the Leadership Parenting principles can help you.

No matter how you were raised and what your family life looks like right now, it can get better.  Much, much better.

Really. I understand about coming from a challenged background. I know about overcoming family narratives and writing my own script for my own future and my family’s future, and I’ve spent the last 30 years doing that.

I’ve had more joy than I imagined possible from my family, and I so much want others to experience the same. 

If you’re brave enough to craft a vision of what you want your family to look like, if you can  believe in yourself, if you can believe in your children – you can also have the family life that you’re dreaming of.

And if you feel the task is too hard, you are overwhelmed, you don’t know what to do…it’s okay. We’ve all felt that way sometimes. I’m here to hold your hand, to guide you, to support you.

I believe in you. And I know you can have a life with your family that brings you deeper satisfaction and contentment than you ever dreamed possible.

Don’t think you have to spend any money to benefit from my parenting approach. My blog is filled with over two thousand free articles ranging from my philosophy on parenting and living, to recipes and all sorts of useful tips.

My big happy family 🙂 – April 2016
May 2022, our happily expanding family – with my mom, all of our children and grandchildren

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