Monthly Archives: August 2009

Homeschool conference cds now available!

Yay!!  It’s taken a bit longer than I initially anticipated to get around to doing this, but the recordings for the workshops given at the Torah Homeschool Conference are now available!

All of the workshops given at the conference won’t be available, but most are; the list is below:

Strengthing Your Family Through Homeschooling” –Mrs. Rivka Malka Perlman

“The Myth of Socialization” – Dr. Nechama Cox

“Chanoch l’naar al pi darko – What does it mean for us?” – Rabbi Menachem Goldberger, maara d’asra of Tiferes Yisroel synagogue

“Yes, You Can Be Your Child’s Rebbe – Teaching Limudei Kodesh”  – Rabbi Osher Werner , author of Pharoah and the Fabulous Frog Invasion

“Teaching the Multi-Age Family”  – Mrs. Avivah Werner

“Homeschooling and Marriage: Stressing or Strengthening?” – Mr. Mort Fertel, author of Marriage Fitness

“Whole Brain learning” – Exercises for Whole Brain Integration (be aware there were exercises demonstrated during the workshop that obviously won’t be visible) – Mrs. Karen Zeitlin

“Maintaining Health and Spirit Under Stress” (be aware there were exercises demonstrated during the workshop that obviously won’t be visible) – Mrs. Rena Levin

The mp3 recordings are $7 each (an updated list of recordings is available at Payment can be sent via Paypal to avivahwerner at yahoo dot com; you can email me with your order or questions at the same address.
