Reminder – Torah Homeschool Conference – June 28

Today is the last day to register for the Torah Homeschool Conference at the discounted rate of $15 per person/$25 per couple.  So sign up now and save some money!!

I realized after speaking to a homeschooling friend a couple of days ago that many who would benefit from the conference might not realize that it’s suitable for them.  The conference is intended for those currently homeschooling, as well as any parents who want to learn more about if it’s an option for them.  Those who aren’t homeschooling, but want to know more or their children, those with young children but thinking ahead, those who appreciate a more family centered approach to education and parenting, parents who want to supplement their childrens’ afterschool time, those who keep their children home until a later age than typical (ie, 4 or 5 yr) – all of these would enjoy and benefit from the conference.  So please pass the word along to anyone you think will be interested!  For years, I’ve been hearing Jewish homeschoolers say how much they wish we had both practical and social support of homeschooling, and for the first time ever, there will be a homeschool conference geared to Jewish homeschoolers!   So let’s make sure we take advantage of the opportunity!

There will be a full day of workshops given mostly by experienced homeschooling parents, on topics like how to creatively teach Hebrew reading and writing, how to teach Jewish subjects, socialization, benefits of homeschooling, etc, and even a veteran’s panel where you can ask questions and hear what’s working for parents who have been doing this for a long time!   A community rabbi will be speaking on the importance of educating our children ‘in their own way’, and a well known parent educator will be speaking on building connections with our children. There will be two simultaneous workshop tracks, so you can choose which topics are most interesting and relevant to you.

The conference will be held at the Baltimore Park Heights JCC, on June 28.  If registration is completed by June 15, the cost is $15 per person/ $25 per couple.  So act fast to get that price!  After that, the cost will be $20 per person/ $35 per couple.  To register, email srayvy at yahoo dot com with your workshop selections and let her know how you want to pay.  For more details, check out

The school year is ending – now’s the time to come and get some inspiration for the year to come!


6 thoughts on “Reminder – Torah Homeschool Conference – June 28

  1. I am glad that you posted this. Although I very much want to attend and would if I was able, I got the impression from a homeschooling mother that this conference was mainly geared for the homeschooling community of Baltimore. I only know of one homeschooling family where I live (I just moved here a few months ago) and when i asked her if she was planning on going, she laughed and sort of made me feel ridiculous for asking her such a stupid question. She told me that she knew about the conference for awhile (I spoke to her the first time you posted about it) and on the many websites she’d seen it mentioned she felt it really wasn’t for out-of-towners. I asked her why she got this impression as I didn’t from reading your blog. I mentioned the whole support system and why that would be worth it enough for me and she responded that she feels has that online and again made me feel like a fool. I asked her what websites she read (never got any answers) and I asked her if she knew of your blog (she didn’t) and I just agreed to diagree because she was , well, unpleasant. I only know of your site for frum homeschooling (oh and Torch-D), but I always got a different impression from you and I am glad you highlighted all the worthwhile reasons one might consider taking the trip.

  2. Well, that goes to show you, just because someone homeschools they may not be the best advocate for it to others. Many of us who comment here on the blog DO homeschool and are happy to talk it and the conference up. As a matter of fact, I did over this Shabbos. As usual, somehow during the seudah, homeschooling came up (I really don’t know how it happens!!). And as usual, Daniel (my DH) and I are defending homeschooling (while saying over and over, “Homeschooling is not for everyone.”) I mention there are enough people and enough interest in the frum world to have a homeschooling conference. That made an positive impression I hope will stay with them 🙂 .

  3. I’m happy to say that we have people who are coming in from different locations in the US – it’s definitely not only for the local community, though of course because it’s most convenient for people close by, they will be the most highly represented. Online support is wonderful, but there’s nothing like meeting and speaking with people face to face.

  4. I am not from Baltimore (although I wish I were!), but if you google/search for Torah/Orthodox Jewish homeschooling, there are newsletter archives from a Baltimore Jewish homeschooling group and it seems there were numerous Orthodox homeschoolers there at one time. The group stopped making newsletters (at least online) but it is interesting to see such a thing. I have never found another group like it online.

  5. It’s a questions of relativity – yes, there are a lot of religious homeschoolers in Baltimore compared to anywhere else, but it’s not a large number. The number of homeschoolers has stayed pretty constant throughout the years; we have about the same number now as we did when the newsletter you mentioned was being done but the people have changed over time.

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