Weekly menu plan

This week it felt quiet at our Shabbos table  – dd14 went to NY for the weekend for her camp bunk reunion, and then ds10 was our for lunch, so there were only seven children home for the meal.   And since the baby was sleeping in the beginning, it was only six at the table at a time, so it really felt empty, even with our spontaneously invited guests (one for dinner and one for lunch). But it was still a beautiful Shabbos- the weather was just beautiful.  When looking out the window, it looked like a stark winter day, but as soon as I stepped out, I felt the beautiful warm autumn air and didn’t want to go back inside!

Shabbos – dinner – challah, chicken, cauliflower popcorn, mashed potatoes, sauteed broccoli with red pepper and onion, green bean salad, fruit; lunch – beef ch0lent (stew), chicken, potato knishes, mini pumkin puddings, sweet and sour carrots, cranberry orange sauce, coleslaw, pickled green tomatoes, fresh salad, fruit, nuts, dried fruit

Sunday – breakfast – chocolate pudding; lunch – noodles with sauce, bean stew; dinner – cholent, kishke, roasted vegetable, salad

Monday – b – banana date muffins; l – cottage cheese pancakes; d – beefy beans and rice

Tuesday- b – yogurt, mango; d – carrot and spinach soup, baked potatoes

Wednesday – b – sourdough pancakes; d – millet cheese cakes

Thursday – b – southern biscuits, eggs; d – honey baked lentils, cornbread

Friday – b – creamy oatmeal

Breakfasts are supplemented by milk and fruit, lunches and dinners with vegetables.  If lunch isn’t listed, it’s because it will be planned leftovers of the dish planned for the dinner before (ie purposely making a larger amount so there will be enough for two meals).

The sourdough starter I finally started at the end of last week is looking good and should be ready to use for the sourdough pancakes by the end of the week.  The sauerkraut fermenting on the counter should be ready in another week- it looks good but the cabbage still has some crunch left to it and it’s best when the cabbage is nice and soft.  I’ll start some beans and lentils soaking today so they’ll be sprouted for later in the week.  I also want to make another batch of yogurt today – we have been going through loads of it since I started making it myself; the kids really like it!


5 thoughts on “Weekly menu plan

  1. I’d love your recipes for banana date muffins and sourdough pancakes. I am about to start a batch of sourdough myself, thanks!

    1. Both of these are new recipes for me – I’ll post them in the next day or two. If and when you make either of them, let me know how they work out for you!

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