Old time radio shows

Years ago I became aware of a wonderful resource, a website that offers free downloads of old time radio shows.  At some point we stopped listening to them, I don’t remember why.   In any case, recently I remembered about them and checked their site.  This week they have three winter time stories available to listen to and/or download – an adaptation of The Long Winter (Laura Ignalls Wilder), The Great Blizzard of 1888 (a true story about the huge blizzard that shut down NYC), and Sgt. Preston and the Dachshund, a fun fictional story taking place in the Yukon.

Dd7 and ds9 have enjoyed all three of these this week.  The older kids liked them as well, but they weren’t around when I put them on for the middles.  These radio shows for the most part were done in the 1940s and 1950 and are a nice homeschooling resource.  At that time entertainment and inculcating good morals went hand and hand, which is nice to listen to and markedly different from what passes as entertainment nowadays.

Here’s a link for the shows.  Enjoy!


3 thoughts on “Old time radio shows

  1. Hi Avivah –
    You can also get old time radio on the radio every sun. from I think 7 or 7:30 – about 9 pm (at least in baltimore)
    Unfortunately we can only get the reception from our car but whenever we are in the car at that time we love listening to it. I don’t remember exactly what station it is I think it is 88.5 fm but if someone is interested I am happy to ask my husband for sure.

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