Purim family picture

What a wonderful Purim we had!  Rather than bore you with a blow by blow description of what we did, I thought I’d share a picture that one of our guests (we had a total of 23 for the Purim meal, including our family) took of us before she left.  Though it’s the end of the day and the face paint of everyone who used it is faded and smudged (the pirate, clown, and lion), you can still everyone in their costumes.

On the top left is ds16, then dh, then ds9 months (in a baseball outfit), me, dd15 (wearing Indian robe and jewelery), and dd13 (in black hat).  In the next row on the left with cowboy hat is ds7, the pirate is ds11, dd9 is the traffic light, ds2 is the lion, and the clown in front is ds3.5 (almost 4).

I hope you enjoy it!


13 thoughts on “Purim family picture

  1. Wow, nice to finally see the faces to this blog :).
    and the more I see the pic the more I just cant stop being baffled at how you dont lose your mind from having this clan home every single dingle live long day. I just cant imagine how you dont need your space for a few hours every day to just do your thing without needing to respond to some child’s request. This weekend, Ive been having my 4 1/2 yr old since Thursday and cheder will resume on Tuesday. Without my husband taking him out for several hours every day since Friday, I dont think this house would stand up nor would I stay sane, not to mention I wouldnt be able to nap when the baby does. For the life of me no matter how many blog entries I’ll read, I will not be able to fathom theh concept of being home with your entire family every single day of the year. I love my children, dearly, but those few hours a day when I only have to manage one child, or when said child naps and the other is out of the way, are something I just wouldnt be able to do without~

    1. I think it’s the wonder of Mom ruling the house. Avivah has her children trained so they stay in quiet time when she says, so they play outside for awhile, so they don’t whine and complain all day, but are truly helpful and a joy to have around. When they aren’t a joy, she keeps them right near her to train and build relationship, because it will result in joy in the long-run. And, I’ll bet there are a few days in the year that she enjoys some time just by herself! 🙂

    1. I’m assuming you don’t really want to hear my opinion about toy weapons, right? Because I’m not so politically correct;I think the party line about how terrible they are is inane.

      1. Actually, I am interested! I like hearing both sides of any argument and draw from them what I feel sits right with me. It’s one sided if I only read negativity.

        (My personal opinion is that no matter how much we can avoid having weapons in the home, the kids will use something else as one anyway. The point is to teach them not to harm others, but that’s moot if they will use a stick as a sword for poking a peer…)

    1. In the past I never dressed up, I always joke that I’m a spoil sport, but this year for the first time I put on a long brocaded African robe- I got it at a thrift store. I think it’s a dashiki, but I’m not sure. But you can’t see it in the picture. And Dh is wearing one of his Purim ties – it has cartoon characters on it.

      Next year I’m thinking a bright pink wig would be fun! 🙂

  2. Janet, great answer; it’s obvious you understand what I do and why it works well!

    Mindy, sometimes I do feel like I need to carve out more time for myself. I was thinking about that just this morning. Maybe I’ll post about it later today.

  3. LN, my take on weapons is that if a game needs a weapon, the kids will make one out of something else, but if we have toy weapons, they will play games that require weapons.

    That subtle difference is important to me, and so I don’t allow toy weapons, but have allowed, for example, bubble wands that sort of look like swords (primary purpose being blowing soap bubbles), guns made out of LEGO, a disc shooter that did not look like a weapon…

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