Beating the heat with our new pool!

We’re having a huge heat wave here – over 100 with a heat index of 110. Yesterday afternoon the girls called the weather and the report was 108 degrees. It didn’t feel that bad outside in the shade, but I think it’s because the humidity wasn’t so bad. Today the humidity is much higher and it’s really not very comfortable inside.

Fortunately, we bought a pool and put it up just in time! Two years ago a family member gave us a baby gift of $100 to use for the family. When I asked the kids what they wanted, they said a pool. Because we didn’t have a place to put it or a private yard, I couldn’t get one right away. But last summer we put in the brick patio, so we have a firm base to place the pool on. And thanks to the new fence, we have privacy and don’t have to worry about the security issues involved with an unattended pool in an open yard that neighboring children might get into.

I grew up with a pool in the backyard as something only the very well-off had. To me it’s incredible that we can enjoy the luxury of our own pool to relax in! Thanks to relatively new ways of engineering above ground pools, you can buy a pool at a relatively inexpensive price that can be assembled at the beginning of the season and then stored away after the season is over.

I bought a 16′ pool that had been used for one season for $50, but it didn’t have a working motor so the motor was an additional cost. (The retail price for the pool with the motor is $400-500.) Dh did the research on it and ordered the pump; it was about $200 with the filters. After it arrived ds saw it and within five minutes of getting online found the exact same thing for about $50! You can tell my kids have been trained by me. πŸ˜† Then the two of them figured out the cost of the water to fill it – $63. So for a one time purchase price of $250 (which could have been significantly less if we’d known about the less expensive source for the pump), and a seasonal cost of $63, we can enjoy swimming daily in the convenience of our own yard.

The new pool in use

I included a picture so you can see how large it is – in this picture are dd9, dd13, and ds17. (The girls are wearing modest bathing suits that I made.) You can see there’s plenty of room for all the kids! It’s only 4 feet deep, but that’s deep enough for them to swim and have a lot of fun. The littles can swim with someone older if someone older is willing (you can see a little in his high SPF wetsuit on the ladder getting ready to come in), but the ladder goes in the pool when it’s not in use so that the littles can’t get in when they’re alone.

The first day the pool was up was Sunday, so we celebrated ds17’s birthday with an almost 7 pound cheesecake (his favorite dessert), followed by a swim and a bbq. The kids had an amazing time but the floors inside got so wet with everyone running in and out! So I made a new policy: after you get out of the pool, you can’t come in until you swing for two minutes on the swingset. That helps them dry off enough so that they aren’t dripping – it’s been very helpful. πŸ™‚

Here’s a picture of the playset, for the person who requested to see it. πŸ™‚

View of swings (kiddie wading pool and picnic table are under fort)
playset from the opposite slide – slide and fort

Here are our ducklings taking a swim yesterday for the first time. (Soon after these pictures were taken, four of them were sold, so we have just four ducklings now.) We wanted them to stay cool, too!

Ducklings wondering what to do with water
They figured it out!

The three older ducks get to swim in the kiddie pool- someone forgot to put the lid on so the ducks hopped in! (That will obviously be emptied and thoroughly cleaned out before the littles use it again – but right now they’re enamored with the big pool.) No pics of them, but they’re pretty happy out there in the 105 degree weather right now.

Hope everyone else is enjoying the summer and staying cool!


8 thoughts on “Beating the heat with our new pool!

  1. So fun to see it all knowing what it looked like just a few weeks ago when I visited! A yard full of fun… enjoy! πŸ™‚

    1. Thanks, R! We really are enjoying!

      Shoshana – isn’t it amazing how much it has changed in less than a month? We’ve been busy, as you can see! Now I need some rain so I can plant grass and have everything looking lush and green. My last effort didn’t work since it’s been dry, dry, dry.

  2. woo! looks cool and refreshing

    just curious what you use to thoroughly clean things-are you for or against bleach? what would you use instead of it?

  3. Thanks for the pic πŸ™‚ (Now I’m curious how it was setup before you re-arranged it.) Looks like a perfect playset for the littles. (And the mediums? Not sure what the age cut off per category is!)

    That pool looks like so much fun. It would scare me completely to have one, though.

    BTW, have you ever heard of the little trains:
    “The Chesapeake and Allegheny Steam Preservation maintains one-eighth size replicas of steam trains that once ruled the rails in Maryland, along with more than three miles of mini-tracks running through West Baltimore’s Leakin Park. On the second Sunday of the month, from April to November, volunteers take train enthusiasts of all ages on long, glorious rides for free!”

    I was just told about this and sounds like something my kids would like…

    1. Esty – I’m against chlorine but am using it anyway – dh checked out different options, including the salt filtration system that we initially thought we’d get. Turns out the one that really is healthier was $900.

      LN – before the swing set was there it was dead space. I literally didn’t consider it big enough to do anything with. Well, except for blueberry bushes that were along the side that I moved to the back yard.

      The swing set easily fits the middles – it’s probably hard to tell from the pic how large it is, but even the oldest kids can use the swings. The fort is about ten feet high, the platform part of the fort is 5′ x 6′.

      The pool made me very nervous when I was considering it. But now that we have it and have put safety protective features around it, I’m much more comfortable with it.

      I’ve never gone on the trains that you asked about – I don’t have a vehicle to use on Sunday, or I would have. But one of my sons (ds11) went with a friend who is a steam engine enthusiast, and he had a great time. I’m sure younger kids would have a good time, too.

  4. Avivah,
    Glad the swing is working out for you. Nice to see it put back together! My daughter used it until she was 14. Hope you get many years of enjoyment out of it.


    1. It’s been wonderful, Ron! Our little kids love it (the middle kids enjoy it, too!) and when they want to go outside to play on it, they ask if they can play on the ‘playground’. πŸ™‚

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