17 years later – “You won!”

As a homeschooling family, we’ve had plenty of positive feedback over the years, but we’ve also had our share of criticism and naysayers.

One of the critics was a rabbi of synagogue in a city we moved to when my oldest was 9. He was a sincerely good person who was concerned that we didn’t understand the dangers of the homeschooling path. He warned us that our children were likely to end up unhappy, dysfunctional and religiously ‘off’.

I strongly disagreed and told him so (respectfully, of course :)); though he periodically would try to convince my husband of the error of our ways, our children continued learning at home. I knew he said what he did from a desire to be of help to us, and didn’t take it personally.

Fast forward 17 years. My oldest son and his wife were visiting the US last week and my husband asked my son to give his warm regards to this rabbi when he saw him.

So he did.

After my son introduced himself and shared a brief update on our family, the rabbi exclaimed, “Your father won!!!”


My son had no idea what he was talking about and asked him what he meant. The rabbi explained, “I tried to talk your father out of homeschooling and told him how you kids would be ruined as a result. But he was right, he won!”

I’ve been quite happy with my choices and how our family has developed, and I don’t expect those with a different perspective to validate my choices.

But let me tell you, it was soooo validating to hear that comment!



2 thoughts on “17 years later – “You won!”

  1. Avivah, your story parallels my own. When we started our homeschool journey, we were also informed by many prophets of doom that we were ruining our children’s lives and their futures. One very prestigious gentleman in the community actually told my husband his opinion about this, after my husband had erroneously contacted him asking for perspective on an educational matter. Fast forward about 10 years, and my husband is at this gentleman’s daughter’s wedding. This man shakes my husband’s hand, accepts the mazel tov, and then graciously apologizes for the comments 10 years prior. Apparently, the new son in law had been homeschooled!

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