Deleting a post and an explanation

Today I made the unusual decision to delete a post. A couple of days ago I shared something that disturbed a number of people. While I feel the interview I shared was of value, it seems that most of the readers didn’t listen to the interview and instead based their responses on my summary of the interview, and assumed the summary statements to be my personal position.

Thank you all for your responses, here and via private emails.

As I consider your feedback, I can see that I made a mistake in not bridging the information prior to sharing it. That gap was then filled with inaccurate assumptions about my position on our current health situation. In rereading what I wrote, I can see how it could be taken differently than intended. I didn’t delete this to appease anyone, or because I was asked to do so. I’ve deleted it because I take responsibility for being misunderstood, for not adequately communicating a background/personal understanding that would give you an idea of why I shared what I did, so you could differentiate between my opinion and the political decisions made by the district being written about.

I do want to say one thing. If you’ve been reading here, you know that for years I’ve shared about health – physical, emotional, relational, spiritual. The well-being of others is deeply important to me. Please ask yourself if it would make sense to you or be consistent with who I am, that I would make light of or disregard the physical suffering that anyone has experienced. It is painful for me to know that people interpreted what I wrote in that way.

This week all of our married children will be joining us for Shabbos as we celebrate the aufruf of our son, who is getting married next week. You can imagine that I have things to do, and things I would rather be writing about, than this!

I’m sharing now because I want to clear the proverbial slate, not to win back readers, since this won’t make a difference to those who have left and whatever impression was made will remain, whether that is accurate or not. Knowing how emotional a topic this is, I should have been more careful about how I shared and taken significantly more time to build a foundation so that my intentions were more easily understood.


13 thoughts on “Deleting a post and an explanation

  1. I think I didnt see the post you are speaking of, as I really have no idea what you are speaking about. Wishing you only simchas and a beautiful simcha and Nachas.

  2. I didn’t comment on recent posts.
    As much as I appreciate the food for thought, I thought that interview was a little “out there”. I am glad you removed it and appreciate your explanation that it didn’t accurately reflect your opinions.

    I would like to hear your (more nuanced) opinions.

  3. Mazel Tov on your upcoming Simcha!

    As you can imagine, I liked your deleted post and found it to be helpful information. I don’t think you did anything wrong.

  4. Avivah, we hold the same views on so many things but on this topic we are not in complete alignment. I suffered grievously from COVID and recovered with much effort and great medical support. I elected to get vaccinated at the earliest point possible. I firmly support a person’s right to choose their path but I also believe that it was the right choice for me and may be the right choice for many. I am beyond disgusted that vaccination, health and basic human rights have been politicized in the US. One of life’s greatest treasures is in our differences and the ability to discuss them rationally. I explore everything that you share, as I value your opinions and your research. Stay well! Have a wonderful Simcha and enjoy your children. May our families continue to multiply.

    1. Your comments are impressive in that you support the right to choose whether or not to vaccinate. Sadly, many people do not feel this way and either directly or indirectly support oppression. For example, everyone who utilizes vaccine passports contributes to the erosion of freedom for those who are unable to do so. For example, a person who thinks covid can be treated with various protocols which have been suppressed by the media and that the vaccines are far more dangerous will choose not to be vaccinated. If they do not have a recovery certificate either, they are now banned from many venues.

    2. Jan, I think we have the same opinion though we might choose a different specific action in this case.

      Everyone should be allowed to make their own decision, with no pressure or vilification of them as a person regardless of what the decision is. Each of us has the ability to thoughtfully consider different facets of the information available, and make their own choice. And regardless of what our personal choice may be, we need to accept that others can see the same information and come to different conclusions – and that is FINE!

      I hope you are completely recovered. The symptoms can be very, very rough and in those cases it’s a hard recovery. I know many people weren’t aware there are some supplements that can greatly curb the symptoms, and if you’re interested in that information, can look for a link. (I know a number of doctors who shared about this were blocked so I don’t offhand know whose website can still be accessed without checking first.) You may know about the basic recommendations for zinc, vitamin d and vitamin c; after months of a lost sense of smell due to covid, zinc restored my son’s sense of smell with just two tablets.

      Much love to you, Jan.

      1. My (unvaccinated) husband suffered from a terrible case of corona as well. He immediately started on zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D, and several other supplements. Despite this, he kept getting sicker and sicker and eventually ended up in the corona ward due to COVID-based pneumonia which required oxygen supplementation and steroids. You can bet he ran to get vaccinated as soon as the doctors allowed him to. Supplements may work for some with mild symptoms, but they are certainly not magical.

        1. Cathy – I’m sorry to hear about your husband’s experience. Dr. Zelenko made it very clear in an interview that I watched with him that Zinc has to be used in conjunction with something to absorb the zinc – such as Hydroxychloriquine (sp?) or Quercetin or Ivermectin, etc.. You are probably right that for a mild case, what you used would work and your husband had a more serious case. Dr. Zelenko has a number of other recommendations in cases like this. There are quite a few practitioners that have been trained by Dr. Zelenko all over the world. It’s tragic that it is so hard to access this information. And regardless of treatment protocols or how serious a covid case may be, no one knows that the vaccine is safe long-term or short-term. And many studies show that those who have already had covid are at an even higher risk of a cytokine storm from the vaccine. The vaccine is also not magical. Only G-d can save us and may G-d protect you and yours.

          1. Rivka, my husband was on hydroxychloroquine in conjunction with the zinc and vitamins. We tried to get ivermectin, but the doctor refused to give us a prescription.

            My friend’s husband was on hydroxychloroquine, zinc, vitamins C and D, Quercetin, ivermectin, and one or two other things that I can’t recall right now. That didn’t stop him from requiring mechanical ventilation and eventually ECMO. He was in his 40s and had no preexisting conditions.

            I agree with you that only G-d determines a person’s fate. Neither the supplements or the vaccine are magical. We can only do what we can do.

            Thank you for your well wishes.

  5. Dear Avivah, I read all your posts 🙂 I don’t comment very much anymore because I’m always running in a million directions. I read the deleted post with great interest and great admiration. No one is posting anything that goes against the current narrative. The amount of censorship and loss of personal freedom was unimaginable just a few months ago. Its a scary time. I watched the video you posted the link to, it had a lot of great information. I’m sorry that you felt the need to remove your post on the topic. Anyone who has read your blog for any length of times knows that you are not afraid to share your opinion and your opinions are based on a lot of research !! The topic of Covid is so divisive on every level, its said. Conversations are no longer allowed. Enough about that.

    Mazal tov on your son’s upcoming wedding!!! So exciting. May you have continued nachas from all of your children!


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