Vitamin D is awesome and critical, so be sure you are taking enough!

My daughter called me earlier this week to ask what to give her husband, who was beginning to have nasty cold symptoms. I told her specific doses of vitamin D (based on doctor’s guidelines for the ‘hammer’) and vitamin C , and said I expected he would be fine in the morning. Sure enough, she called the next day to say he was feeling better and back to kollel. 🙂

Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin, and many have the idea that it doesn’t need to be supplemented if you are outdoors a good bit of time. However, studies have shown that even around the equator where you would assume people get abundant sunlight, many are deficient in vitamin D.

Even though I live in a very hot climate, I stay inside during the hottest parts of the day, wear a sunhat when I do go out, have an olive complexion, and am always wearing long sleeves and long skirts. Not much chance for the sun to get through, even living in a very hot and sunny area! So I have no doubt that supplementing vitamin D will benefit me.

In January 2020 I wrote a post about the using the vitamin D hammer to quickly and effectively treat the flu. That is still really good information so go back and read that if you don’t remember it or didn’t read it then! Little did I know that a short time later, mentioning that this same approach could be valuable in prevention or treatment of the superbug that was circulating would elicit howls of outrage around the world and censure of medical professionals.

But as time has gone on, more and more doctors have been speaking up about the critical importance of vitamin D in strengthening our immune systems, specifically vis a vis the current health situation.

Here’s an interesting interview with two doctors about vitamin D in Israel.

(It’s interesting to read the comments on the video and see what people say about their experiences with vitamin D.)

Here’s another great talk with two more doctors, both of whom have been sharing this information from the beginning of the situation. This video came out when I was in the middle of writing this post, so I decided to add it for you. 🙂 This talk is more technical but lots of great information, including the benefits of sunlight beyond vitamin D.

Information is so valuable, and both worth watching. (I listen to talks like this when I’m working in the kitchen or driving, since I don’t have time to sit in front of a computer to watch.) By watching, you’ll learn how much to take and why it’s so important.

I’m hopeful that as information like this becomes more widely known, more people will have access to tools that they can use to protect their families. Why information about an easily accessible, highly affordable vitamin that could offer so much protection when dealing with the health situation is known but hasn’t been shared by those deciding on worldwide policy is concerning, but our point of power is when we focus on what we can do. It’s empowering to know how easily and inexpensively we can take steps to protect our families.

Here are the vitamin D choices we get for our family; I order from iherb since it’s much less expensive than buying locally and I can get the higher dosage vitamin D capsules that I want. (In Israel they don’t sell anything higher than 1000 iu. Which is fine, but based on the guidelines that I linked above, you’d need to take a bottle full in the course of a day or two if you get sick, which psychologically feels dangerous. Better to just get higher dosage capsules and take a small number, in my opinion.) You’ll get a first time buyer discount by using my coupon code OBO992.

I want to stress that prevention is always the best strategy. Yes, you can be depleted and once sick, try to quickly boost your vitamin D levels. But a better bet is to keep your vitamin D levels high to start with. When you’re deficient in vitamin D, you’re at much higher likelihood of getting sick in the first place. I’ve read a lot of anecdotal comments by various medical personnel in past months to the effect those who were most ill with the virus had very low vitamin D levels, and the studies that I’ve read seem to support that.

Wishing you all a very healthy winter season!


3 thoughts on “Vitamin D is awesome and critical, so be sure you are taking enough!

  1. Thank you.
    This is very helpful.
    I’ve been thinking about the following and wondering if you’ve also considered it.
    I believe that G-d has given us all we need in order to survive.
    Why would we need to supplement with vitamins instead of finding natural sources for them?
    What was done in the past? Have the natural sources been depleted or have we lost the ‘mesorah’ for what was done in the past?

    1. Hi, Becky, thanks for your question! I’m sorry I didn’t see it until now.

      Your question is a really good one, and it would be a great extended conversation. The quick answer is yes, natural sources have been depleted and additionally we’ve lost the traditional knowledge of the past.

      For many years I didn’t believe in supplementation, because I thought a good diet was enough. However, our world has changed significantly, as have our lifestyles. Our water and air is contaminated, our soils are depleted and the resulting crops are nutritionally deficient and sometimes even harmful (ie wheat that is sprayed *after* harvest with Roundup). As a society we are sedentary and stay inside; we don’t get the fresh air, sunshine and movement that was an inherent part of life for generations.

      We’ve lost our knowledge and our trust in our bodies and no longer recognize or believe in the natural healing process. Old time remedies and healing methodologies have been demonized and mocked.

      Certainly vitamins can be found in our food. There are food preparation methods that increase the vitamins available to us, and there are ways of eating that decrease our bodies ability to use the vitamins in the foods.

      For myself, I choose periodic supplementation when I feel under the weather, or use other natural remedies. I don’t routinely take any supplements.

      If we ate organic food grown on nutrient rich soil, if we walked on the earth in bare feet and breathed fresh air, if we worked for hours in the sun, if we had no media to constantly broadcast anxiety and fear inducing messages, than I think supplementation would be much less necessary. We would be much stronger and healthier, with robust immune systems.

  2. Thanks for this info, Aviva!

    can you please advise what daily amount of vitamin d you would give to
    healthy 6-9 year olds?
    and healthy 30 year olds?
    thank you 🙂

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