More free tshirts!

I’m adding this post to update my earlier post about the tshirts we were given yesterday.  I just got a call from the library branch we were at – my first thought was that I must have returned something without all of the cds.  But it was the lady who gave us the tshirts yesterday.  It seems that they had a staff meeting this morning and someone brought up  that it wasn’t right to give only two shirts to our family when we have eight kids.  So they all decided that they would give the other six kids tshirts, too! 

I told her that I didn’t feel right for one family to get 8 shirts when there are so many kids who didn’t get even one.  She told me all the staff agreed to it and it was ‘a done deal’; they were only calling me to find out the kids’ sizes, not to ask me what I thought of it.  🙂

I don’t know what to tell my kids when they ask why people do these things – I really don’t.  (They also wondered how the librarians knew our name and phone number, but that was easier to figure out.)  That’s because I just don’t know why.  Our kids dress nicely and certainly don’t look like they need clothes!  I think it must be because people have such good hearts and want to share good things with others, and maybe we just are in the right places at the right times.  But whatever the reason, wasn’t that nice?


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