I’m back – for right now!

We got the new keyboard right after our phone lines went out due to some faulty wiring.  Hopefully dh will be able to fix it tonight or tomorrow but I decided to go to the library to use their computers so I wouldn’t be uptight about when the repair happens and can be a smiling and patient wife when he walked in the door.  I don’t have very positive thoughts about the internet usage at the library (since the library has a handful of people looking for books but the computers are always taken), but I’m grateful now for the ability to connect with all of you even though my home computer is down.  This isn’t very easy, though, since the person right next to me is using his time to look at very revealing pictures of plus sized large chested women and I’m really having to try hard not to use any peripheral vision.  It’s kind of distracting and very unpleasant.  I can’t believe people aren’t embarrassed to have others see what they’re watching.

On one hand it’s been challenging not having easy computer access for a week – the hardest thing has been not being able to post here since that’s something I love to do!  But on the other, it’s been liberating.  I’ve been more present emotionally for my family, gotten more done around the house, and most importantly, gone to sleep lots earlier!!  I’m going to hopefully use this as a reminder to be more careful to limit my online time and focus on doing what I really need to do.  It’s easy to get drawn into all the info out there, especially when there are so many things to learn about….

I have lots of things to post about but very limited time (31 minutes left), so I’ll catch you up on what’s going on in our house this week.

My oldest ds came home from camp yesterday afternoon.  Like dd14 a few weeks ago, he’s spent most of today sleeping.  She took at least a week of sleeping for hours later than usual to get back into her regular routing. This reminds me of the sleep needs of infants – I don’t think adults and infants are very different in this – we all need a certain amount of sleep and when we don’t get it, we need to either make it up or we get crankier and crankier. 

Ds16’s birthday was July 4 but we didn’t make much of a big deal about it, and then when dd13 had a birthday on Aug 4, we also didn’t do much.  Tonight we’re having a surprise birthday dinner for them both.  Dd is particularly difficult to surprise – she notices every single tiny thing that’s a little different.  She had a sleepover at my inlaws a couple of days ago so dd14 baked the brownies for her then and prepared the french fries – and of course dd13 came home and commented on a pan being in the freezer that wasn’t there before!  I bought a cheesecake for ds (he loves cheesecake) and we’ll have pizza, onion rings, french fries, and salad for dinner.  We’ve done what we can to keep dd from catching on, but we’ll see if tonight we actually manage it or not. 

Tonight would be the first dinner in almost 2 months that we would all be here for, except for the fact that ds10 is away.  He was invited on Sunday evening by a friend to go to Indiana with them first thing the next morning, and I shocked ds by immediately agreeing that he could go.  He’s having a great time. 

This week I’ve canned peaches (bought three cases of 24 lb each for 9.50 each on my shopping day last week) and peach fruit spread. I wasn’t happy with the fruit spread – I used frozen strawberries that I didn’t realize came from China and they were terrible.  I’ll have to check where the frozen fruits and vegetables come from, from now on.  The strawberries were tiny and a lot hardly had any color – I should have just composted them but I didn’t and I won’t make that mistake again.

Today I’m dehydrating pears that we picked last week.  They’re now very soft and ripe so they should be very sweet when dried.  I also have a basket of apples that the kids picked on Thursday when we out for our shopping day.  I have to decide what to do with those since they are rather tart.  They are HUGE – I was amused when I was told they are called Rambos.  They are very appropriately named – each apple is at least 1 – 2 pounds!


5 thoughts on “I’m back – for right now!

  1. I wanted to ask which types of stores do you get you cases of fruit from? One of regular grocery stores does have a reduced area, but the other two typically don’t. Is it a matter of asking the produce staff if they will sell (reduced) cases of stuff or larger amounts of things that are getting ripe and they cannot sell? I was planning on buying in bulk the seconds from a local orchard but because of our weather this spring, there are no local peaches and very few local apples/pears. My pear tree had few fruits this year and even weirder, now I have no pears on the tree at all and we can’t figure what happened to them. They were there one week and then they were gone…

  2. I was thinking of you, Yael, and wondering what area you’re in. He’s staying in South Bend.

    Regarding fruit – I get some at the regular produce store and some at a privately owned grocery. I’ve also gone to a produce auction. Now is a time to find great deals because everything is in season. Speaking to managers can be helpful – let them know that you’d be interested in buying large quantities and would be willing to buy fruit that is on the edge. The smaller grocery stores are much more likely to work with you on this than major supermarkets.

    Last year we picked pears from a neighbor with three huge trees who had a bumper crop, and this year he doesn’t have a single pear on any of the trees. Also strange, but having pears that disappear is definitely stranger.

  3. hi avivah! glad to see you back online- even if only for a few brief moments!!! i have a canning question for you- i also canned some peaches. i stuffed the jars with peach slices, then filled with medium syrup (i left the head space) and water bath canned them for 30 minutes. (that’s what my recipe said). the peaches all shrunk and floated up to the top- so my question is- do you have any idea what i did wrong? i assume that they will end up sort of floating in the syrup, which will be yummy, but i wish i didn’t have so much wasted space in each jar. so- do you have any tips, or does something jump out at you that i am doing wrong? thanks for any advice! big hugs!! -julie

  4. I’m no canning expert, but it sounds like you’re doing everything right. I don’t can with syrup, just fruit juice, but I have a similar experience.

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