Weekly menu plan

Shabbos – dinner – challah, chicken soup, chicken, carrot tzimmes, eggplant curry, mashed potatoes, chocolate garbanzo cake, protein bars, chocolate chip cookies; lunch – cholent (beef stew), kishke (baked stuffing), chicken, squash pudding, Israeli salad, fresh cranberry relish, desserts as above

Sunday – brunch – pizza (with gluten free crust); dinner – beef stew, squash pie, cucumber salad, coleslaw

Monday – b – banana custard; l – blended vegetable soup; d – shepherd’s pie

Tuesday – b – cottage cheese pancakes; l – cauliflower cheese soup, baked potatoes; d – turkey hash

Weds – quinoa casserole (NT); l – colcannon; d – homemade buckwheat noodles with sauce (either peanut sauce or meat sauce – to be determined)

Thurs – b- yogurt, sliced almonds (soaked and dehydrated), sliced bananas, shredded coconut; snack – celery with peanut butter; d – Thanksgiving – turkey, roasted sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, salads, green beans with almonds, pumpkin pudding, cranberry-pear pie

Breakfasts are supplemented with milk and fruit; lunch and dinner are supplemented with vegetables.  This week I’ll be picking beet greens, turnip greens, and spinach from our raised beds (the lasagna beds are being built up for the coming planting season, so nothing growing there).  When we planted it technically was too late, but I’m so glad we did!  Greens sauteed in butter or coconut oil are a great addition to any meal.

On Friday I was able to do a good amount of prepping vegetables for this week – I chopped a bunch of yellow summer squash and broccoli and put them in the freezer, so they can be pulled out and put right into the pot for vegetable soup.  Dd14 prepared 2 gallons of sauerkraut and 1 gallon of ginger carrots  to ferment.  A couple of weeks ago I soaked and dehydrated about 10 – 12 cups of almonds, so now I have plenty ready for the week.  For once, I don’t have any beans on the menu for this week, so I won’t be soaking or sprouting anything.

So today my prep work will consist mostly of dealing with the cases of bananas that I bought on Weds.  The kids are eating them up, but I still have at least sixty pounds left, and they won’t stay in this perfect shape forever!  I think I’ll do some baking with them – I’m thinking about making banana date muffins and banana bread.  I’ll freeze a bunch to use for smoothies, too.


3 thoughts on “Weekly menu plan

  1. It’s important to my inlaws. They’re no longer up for all the preparations involved, so they told dh they wanted us (me) to handle cooking and hosting last year, and I understand that it’s expected that I’ll continue to preserve this tradition.

    For me it’s kind of a pressure since it takes away from the time I’d be spending getting ready for Shabbos early, which is important to me. Also, we consciously focus on gratitude at literally every single dinner, so this meal isn’t about something significantly than any other dinner in our home.

    But I look at it as an opportunity to do something nice for my husband’s parents instead of seeing it as a burden that was dumped on me. Bet that answer was lots longer than you really wanted to hear, right? 🙂

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