Chanukah coloring pages for kids

Our Chanukah box has been brought in from the garage, and the climber moved out of the living room and down to the basement to make room for the table that will hold all the menorahs. The menorah table kids has been covered with aluminum foil and placed in front of the living room windows, and all of the kids who are lighting have set up their menorahs. (Tonight we’ll decide if ds4 will get to light this year or wait until next year.)

The kids like to make Chanukah decorations and cover our front door and windows. This afternoon I printed out some pictures for the littles to color so they could be involved in all of the preparations as well.  When I was looking for coloring pages, I also noted some other nice resources available for kids (and their parents!), so I thought I’d share some of them. (Links are to the Chanukah resources rather than the main page.) Most of these sites have games, activities, coloring pages, and more.



Torah Tots

Tzivos Hashem – (I enjoyed listening to the selection of Chanukah songs on this site – the kids got a kick out of the Bruce the Chanukah Moose song since that was new to them, but there are traditional songs available as well.)

To add a little more fun to the Chanukah spirit in the house right now, we just got a call from a local restaurant that ds4 won second prize in a coloring contest for his age group (ages 3 – 7)!  Ds11, dd10, and ds8 also entered for their age groups, and are probably more excited for their brother than he is for himself.  (They get a free kids’ meal just for having entered.)  We have to pick up his prize tomorrow: 4 free kids meals, 6 jelly doughnuts, 6 bags Chanukah gelt (chocolate gilt covered coins), 6 large latkes, and a gift certificate to a Judaica store.  Very generous, isn’t it?


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