I’m sorry I haven’t been posting; I know many of you have been concerned about what’s happening with our baby. I’ve been going to the hospital to be with him every day and that takes almost six hours a day, which especially in the immediate postpartum stage takes a lot of energy. So I’ve been too tired to blog.
But I feel like I have to update you because I don’t want anyone to think that the absence of posting means things aren’t going well. Actually, the baby is doing amazingly! His white blood cell count is down to normal, his heart is functioning totally normally (no sign of the structural problems they expected to find), he’s off oxygen and breathing normally on his own, and he’s off a feeding tube. Yesterday I was able to nurse him for the first time, and today the doctor said that he can eat as much and as often as he wants.
And more cautiously good news is that the doctor said we should be able to bring him home tomorrow! Assuming that he continues to do as well as he’s been doing until now, is the only caveat. We were hoping at best that he’d be home for Shabbos, so this was beyond what we were hoping for. The kids are very excited and hopefully when I call the hospital in the morning before I catch my bus, they’ll tell me that we still have a go-ahead for that!
To all of you who kept us in your prayers, thank you very much – they obviously worked!
So glad to read this. Really a great relief. He should continue to grow stong and healthy.
Baruch H’! May you enjoy your healthy little guy at home very, very soon.
Great news. I can so relate to the tiredness of traveling back and forward to NICU. With the first kid my husband would drive me in the morning and pick me up in the late afternoon, the next two kids I did the driving myself (1h15 min and almost 1 hour each way respectively , not including 5-15 min walk from the parking spot, and all 3 times after a c-s).
I strongly believe that seeing a kid in NICU puts things in different perspective, and as much as we are all happy and grateful in life, we become even more aware of how much we have to than Hashem for when we see the miracles that occur there daily.
…and as much as I was always happy for the care my children got in NICU- nothing beats getting your baby at home at last!
Wishing your baby a wonderful coming home , and to you some relaxing time at last!
I’m so glad your little one is doing better and will be where he really belongs, at home with his family, very soon.
Thank you for keeping us in the loop. May you very soon have your whole family together at home.
B”H. So glad to hear the good news!!!! May your little guy gain complete good health and may your own recovery go smoothly, Avivah.
Glad to hear the news! Your little one is a fighter!
Mazal Tov! I’m so glad the baby is doing well. Thank you for posting the update.
Wow-I can’t imagine how strong you must be to make this commute so close to your delivery. A big inspiration. Very happy to hear your baby is thriving BH-I have been checking in regulary hoping to see good news.I am sure it is bc you are such a good mother that your other children are such a help. Wishing you a wonderful Shabbat and ggod health for all of you.
I don’t know if I’m so strong; it just had to be done so I did it. I’m glad that I won’t need to do it anymore, though, because even with a good attitude about it, it was exhausting and I didn’t like leaving the other kids for so long every day.
Whew!! So glad to hear good news! When im yirtzeh Hahem will you make the brit?
It’s a good question, and one we’re trying to figure out an answer to! As of today, the answer is somewhere between the coming Monday and two weeks from now.
Congratulations! And when that beautiful baby comes home make sure you both get some rest. Doing a lot of activity (even for a very wonderful reason!) just a few days after giving birth can be very taxing on your system! I know you’re a strong women, and that is awesome–but don’t forget to make plenty of healing time too. Even strong women need time to heal!
Signed, a doula, CBE and mom who tends to do way too much right after giving birth and has learned her lesson about how important rest is!
I’m a huge believer in the importance of taking it very easy after birth for at least a solid two weeks, because the recuperation period can drag out for weeks or longer if a woman does too much too soon. While I couldn’t do that this time, I did try to spend most of every day resting when I wasn’t at the hospital, and my family was super supportive of making this possible for me.
yikes- i just got back from california and caught up- belated mazel tov and best wishes for all good things from here on out! we are in process of switching emails but i will email you privately once i have a new one- much love- julie
BARUCH HASHEM! I love you all.