Guess who’s turning three?
Close your eyes and guess!
Can it be?

There are a lot of words the doctors used when they told us about Yirmiyahu’s Trisomy 21 diagnosis.
Most of them were sad. And depressing. And limiting.
There wasn’t one word that intimated to how our lives would be enriched. Not one hint that he would be smart, capable and personable.
There was just one thing I remember them saying that was accurate: “How your child develops depends very much on how much you invest in him.”
Do you know what it means to invest in your child?
Love him as every other child.

Include him as every other child.

Believe in him as any other child.

Did we ever guess what joy was going to become a daily part of our life when this little boy was born?
Even if they had told us we wouldn’t have believed them.
Sometimes words are just inadequate.
Gorgeous!!!!!!!!!! Mazal tov to the birthday boy, his super- amazing mother and the whole family!
Thank you, Regina!
So sweet. Mazal tov. Looking forward to meeting him in person!
Simply your best post (and photos) ever.
Thanks, Galia! I have good subject matter. 🙂
Ellen, we’re looking forward to greeting you and your family here in the Holy Land soon!
Yirmi is just adorable!! Mazel tov! You must post pictures after he gets his haircut!
Gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing. May all your kids give you joy.
Mazal Tov to the little and big birthday boys! You all look so happy and wonderful!
This has got to be my most favorite post of yours – ever! Beautifully said! Mazal tov to Yirmi and to the whole family. May you continue to have nachas from him and all of your children!
Mazal tov on this special milestone! May you have much nachas from Yirmi and all of your children.
mazel tov!! happy birthday to the birthday boy! yirmiyahu has the most gorgeous smile kn’h! much nachas from all .