Category Archives: Uncategorized

Please…I need your feedback!

I started this blog in 2006 as an act of service for young mothers, as a way to share my experience in navigating the parenting path for those earlier on in their journeys.

As readers asked questions, I responded with posts addressing their points of interest. This led me to diverge from the exclusive focus on parenting that I began with, to share about health and nutrition, homeschooling, home management, frugality and more.

My life continues to evolve as time goes by. Whatever I do, I want to live consciously and with intention, to actively craft a life that is meaningful to me and that brings me contentment. That’s been my focus from the beginning and will continue to be my focus, regardless of the specifics that I share about at each given stage.

My family has expanded with the addition of foster children and that means that I continue to be actively involved as a parent to young children as well as teenagers. At the same time, I have six married children and am a grandmother to many grandchildren (the newest addition was born to my second son and his wife almost four weeks ago!). I’m now 51 and one area of reflection for me right now is about how to navigate the next stage of life gracefully.

I would like to share about whatever topics that are on my mind. However, this blog isn’t for me – it’s for you. My purpose is to share my experience, insights, tips, and struggles in an authentic way to help you. To do that, I want to know what kind of topics are of the most value and interest to you.

Your questions and comments to what I write are the most helpful way for me to know what you’re thinking. Otherwise, I’m guessing if you love it or hate it what I wrote…or are completely indifferent. Without your comments, I’m left not knowing if what I wrote was of benefit to you.

Sooooo…. I’d love to hear from you! What is it that keeps you coming back to regularly read what I share? What topics interest you, what do you love and what topics do you want to hear more about? Please share your thoughts and suggestions below!

Thanks in advance for helping me to share content that is aligned with your needs and interests!


What I did to recover from post-concussive syndrome

I’d like to share part of my healing journey, which has taken a lot of time and not been easy. There’s a lot to write about so I’m going to abbreviate but I want others to have hope they can change what seem like hopeless health situations. I also want to share my appreciation of where I am now, and you can’t really understand what that means without knowing what I’ve been through, which I’ve shared very little about over the years.

I’m going to go back five years to when I was rear-ended by the car behind me when I stopped to let a pedestrian cross at the crosswalk. Prior to that, I was healthy by every measure.

Immediately after that, I began having excruciating head pain that went on for six months until my primary care physician diagnosed me with post concussive syndrome, a mild traumatic brain injury, and referred to a neurologist. Because my body was locked in a cycle of intense pain with no relief, the neurologist recommended I take very strong pain medication to break the cycle but warned me if I looked up the medication I would find it had alarming side effects. That’s not my kind of solution, so I declined and asked if he had any other suggestions.

He responded that he’s seen acupuncture help. I ran with that suggestion, and right away the pain reduced. After one session I could bend down to pick something up from the floor without lightning bolts of pain exploding in my head. I saw benefits from the acupuncture sessions I had regularly for several months and then at the beginning of covid moved to a different part of the country so my sessions stopped.

At that point, the pain was no longer constant; I could get up or down without having to grab my head and squeeze it as hard as I could to counteract the pain. The improvement was amazing. As the pain receded, I began to be aware of other symptoms that I didn’t notice since the pain was so intense it had blocked everything else out. I was still left with intense headaches, nausea and a strong proclivity towards serious dehydration.

The dehydration happened a few times a week for nine months of the year; it was a relief that it was only once a week in the winter months. This went on for three years. I would do everything I could to avoid getting dehydrated – staying out of the sun, drinking lots of fluids beginning as soon as I woke up (I usually drank water with lemon and salt throughout the day), resting for hours daily. I was afraid to do anything to exert myself because I didn’t want to trigger the cycle. I could tell what made it worse (activity, travel, tiredness) but not how to keep it from happening.

It seemed hopeless because inevitably I would start to get headaches, which would intensify with horrendous nausea and only culminate when I would painfully throw up massive quantities until even the gastric juices in my stomach were gone. There was no way to stop the cycle once it began; it was such a horrible feeling every time knowing I had no way out except to wait for it to escalate until it was finally over. Then I spent most of the following day in bed recovering; if I was lucky I had a day in between of feeling somewhat normal before the cycle began.

After three years, I said to myself, I can’t live like this anymore. At 48, I was too young to be that limited. Mainstream medicine had no answer for me; I had been told this sometimes passes with time, but after three years, it was clear that wasn’t happening. There were no other answers. It took so much energy to manage the chronic unwellness; people didn’t see what I was going through because I didn’t talk much about it, and I also rested a lot before I had to go anywhere or do anything so I was able to function in public. I looked pretty normal but was always close to the edge of feeling horrible. Sometimes after a dehydration cycle completed I would rue how people who saw me a few hours before and would have assumed I was completely fine would be shocked if they saw how sick I was a short time later.

I remember one Shabbos afternoon talking to my son who was visiting. I made some comment about not having so much energy, and he said something like, “Come on, Mommy, you always have energy!” I thought he was making fun of me because I was so far from that and I asked him what in the world he was talking about. He said he everyone always told him “Your mother is Superwoman” and that’s how I’d always been. That’s when I realized how successful I had been in hiding how badly I was doing from my children who were married; my son had no idea that I was really struggling to cope with daily life. My children living at home did see how often I had headaches, how often I rested, how little I could do around the house, and they were amazingly helpful in picking up the slack left behind for all I couldn’t do.

My husband and I appreciate different topics and different writing styles, and he bought an excellent book titled Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, by Joe Dispenza. I picked it up several times but despite being interested in the topic, it didn’t resonate with me and I couldn’t get through it. But months later when I was at this juncture and I said, I can’t live like this anymore, I picked up this book and it opened to the section about healing serious health issues. He writes about the science of why and how a person can change his health dramatically through his thinking.

Suddenly the writing style didn’t seem dry and uninteresting. I determined that I was going to get better. To do it, I was going to train my brain to imagine a different possibility and I was going to live in the future image of being a healthy person at the same time I was experiencing my present symptoms. That was the idea, but I couldn’t understand how it was possible because my baseline was feeling rotten most of the time.

My entire identity had became a person who had gone through this accident and was living with the aftereffects. It seemed remote to imagine that I could have energy, feel well, exercise or stand in the sun for even a minute without fear of getting dehydrated. My limited physical capacity was who I had become.

And I had to completely let it go of all of it if I was going to heal.

I listened to the testimonies of others who had healed themselves from very serious ailments in this way; I had to fix it in my mind that it was completely doable and logical before I began. If they could do it for something much more serious, I could do it for a mild brain injury. After the accident I had tried positive thinking and meditations and affirmations but they had all fallen short – they helped me accept my limitations and view them as an opportunity to live more slowly, embrace intentionality and be able to be a basically positive person despite how I was feeling. But they didn’t help me move past the physical brain trauma.

I was finally ready to start and committed to use this process to heal. As soon as I put the youngest two boys on their school bus in the morning, I would lay down in a spot I loved on a sofa on our patio.

Then I would begin listening to a meditation; I used meditations by Joe Dispenza available free on Youtube. Part of the process was to clearly picture my present situation, and then to imagine how I wanted to be, and to internalize the feeling of the second image. I began in my mind to actively picture and feel that I was healthy.

After a week, something shifted and I started to do things that I couldn’t and wouldn’t do previously because it was outside of my capacity. At 8 am one summer morning, I started working in the garden, moving landscaping rocks around. I was perspiring when my husband came home a while later and I said to him jubilantly, “Look at me! Do you see something different?”

He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to notice. I exclaimed happily, “I’m sweating! I’ve been working outside!” Writing that makes me tear up, remembering how emotional that was for me. I hadn’t done that for three years. I was afraid to exert myself and definitely to sweat. Lifting heavy rocks? Working outside when the sun was up? Getting hot? Not a chance of any of those things happening. I couldn’t take the risk since experience had shown me that doing any of those things would trigger the dehydration cycle.

I continued living as if I didn’t experience any brain trauma, while hesitant to share anything about my process. I knew what I was experiencing was real but I didn’t want to share anything until a long time had gone by with no symptoms. There was a fear in the back of my mind that maybe the symptoms were waiting to cascade back into my life.

Months went by, and the symptoms didn’t return. While I occasionally get headaches and sometimes I feel nauseous, it’s been almost two years now that I haven’t experienced that dehydration cycle. While waiting until enough time had passed to share my experience with you, I got busy with other things and it seemed like old news to write about it when there were things that were current to write about.

This happened in the summer of 2022. My daughter got married in the winter of 2023, and two weeks before her wedding, we were approached about taking the twins. You can now understand why if I had been asked about this anytime in the prior three and a half year period that there was absolutely no possibility of taking on any extra responsibility. It took all my effort and a lot of help from my teen sons and husband to get basic things accomplished day to day.

When I was asked about the children, I was so thankful to have the physical recovery and capacity to seriously consider it. Hashem had helped me recover my health, and now I had the physical and emotional ability to help others. In May 2023, ten months after healing post concussive syndrome, the twins joined the family.


Saving baby goats from the brink of death

I don’t know why everything happens on Shabbos…but it does.

All these situations that I want to look up information online, call someone, drive somewhere to buy something…everything happens when I can’t do that.

Our rabbit was killed on Shabbos morning. Our goose was stolen Shabbos morning. We woke up Shabbos morning to see dead chicks piled in our yard. And on and on…

About ten days ago, on Friday afternoon an hour before Shabbos, our third mother goat gave birth – to live triplets! Two bucklings and a doeling who all look totally different from one another (unlike the identical twin doelings whose only visible difference is one’s left ear is less upright than the other). The names of the bucklings are Pecan and Marco Polo (ds7 named this one); their sister is Nutmeg. They join the twins, Dakota and Dixie, and the singleton, Chloe, bringing our total kid population to four females, two males.

Of course I missed the birth – on Fridays I don’t have my usual schedule of looking in on them, feeding them, holding the baby goats, and checking to see if any pregnant does are showing signs of labor. I have some low grade anxiety until all the births are finished, all placentas are expelled, all kids are nursing – waiting to know that everything is okay and we’ve gotten through that period with everyone alive and well. It was a relief to be past it all and know that all the mothers and babies were healthy and thriving.

It was a week later on Friday evening after everything quieted down that I went to take a look at the goats. Thursday evening all the kids looked wonderful. Now, I noticed Dixie was looking wobbly on her feet. That was surprising. I looked at Pecan. He was looking wobbly as well. The light was fading and I looked closely at the others. In total, four kids that were jumping around energetically the day before looked a bit unsteady. Only two of them were nursing from their mothers. I felt a sudden pit in my stomach, quickly went into the house and asked my teens to come outside with me and take a look.

“Do you notice anything?”

They all noticed what I did – four of the six kids were walking hesitantly. But why, and how could they go from being so healthy to looking so peaked within a day?

When I went out the next morning to look at them they looked much worse. Obviously they hadn’t been nursing all night long. Two were still doing great but the others were too weak to stand and therefore too weak to nurse. One was lying on her side, showing almost no signs of life. When I picked her up, it was as if she had no bones or muscle tone – it was like picking up an empty sack.

I felt helpless. I didn’t know what was wrong but I knew they would starve to death if they didn’t eat something. Since it was Shabbos, I couldn’t milk the mother goats to give the babies milk, I didn’t know what else I could give them, I didn’t have any bottles/droppers/syringe to feed them with, and I didn’t have a way to buy any or call around to find people who had the knowledge or supplies to help.

My boys held down the mothers before they went to shul and held the babies on to them to nurse, but some of them were too weak to suck. It was somewhat successful but they needed to eat regularly and there was no one to help me since I couldn’t help them myself.

Fortunately, as I was worrying about what to do my daughter arrived for a visit and when I told her my dilemma, she suggested I give them sugar water with a straw, holding the top of the straw to create suction and them dropping it into their mouths. I was so grateful for her suggestion, and it made a lot of sense to me.

I mixed maple syrup with water and added some vitamin C powder, and holding each kid on my lap laboriously dripped in a few drops at a time while holding their jaws open. (I gave them vitamin C in case the weakness had been caused by a virus of some sort.) I stayed with it until all of the kids looked like they had a little bit more energy, and when I finished I was exhausted but hopeful they might make it.

First thing Sunday morning one of the boys milked all of the goats while my husband headed to the store for bottles. I fed each of the four, feeding them in order of which was weakest, and then we fed them again later in the day. I was encouraged to see them looking stronger; on Monday I gave them bottles in the morning and only one needed a bottle in the evening – all the rest were nursing from their mothers again.

When I went to see them early in the morning on Tuesday, it was so wonderful to see them all standing steadily and even jumping! Now that we’re successfully past the hard part, it’s empowering to have successfully navigated what looked like a very dire situation.

For the last three days I kept all of our children away from the kids, not wanting any extra handling to stress them in any way. We all love interacting with the goats so it’s nice that as of this afternoon I could let the kids play with them again.


Our mortgage refinance is complete!

I’ve been concerned about rising interest rates for a while, and it was this concern that spurred my decision to refinance the portion of our mortgage that wasn’t fixed.

Last week I went into Jerusalem to sign some papers at the bank, and I told the banker I was working with that I had been contemplating doing this since June. She responded that if I had approached her at that point to do a refinance, she would have felt morally wrong to have agreed. She explained that our original loan had amazing terms – the prime rate was 1.9% at the time we got our mortgage – and she would have been protective on our behalf of those terms.

However, with the “rates jumping every day”, she now thinks it’s a good idea.

The prime rate the day that I signed the refinance paperwork was 5.25%. Amazingly, the fixed rate for our refinance is set at 5%. The very first month of our new mortgage payment, we’ll be paying less than if we hadn’t taken this step.

This is due to the unusual financial circumstances now present, called the inverted yield curve, in which the long term interest rates are higher than the short term interest rates (typically it’s the opposite). Basically, the bank is betting the odds that the interest rates on this portion of our loan will go back down and they’ll still make money on us after our refinance.

I’m fine with that. I didn’t do a refinance as a money-saving move – I had assumed I’d be paying more in interest, not less – but as a stabilizing step. There’s growing instability in the economy and I want a predictable mortgage payment every month. For those of you in the US where the standard is fixed mortgages, this is a no-brainer, but in Israel where variable rate mortgages are the norm, this is a big deal.

It took a while for this to be completed. It’s a busy time at the bank, and I was told that a refinance of this sort isn’t a priority for the bank because there’s no new money in it for them. But it’s finally done!


Scrappy the Chick, who defied expectations to create a new life for himself

Once there was a coop filled with chickens of all ages. Big chickens, medium chickens and little chicks, and the very littlest was a chick named Scrappy.

Scrappy was a little but he was tough. He had to be, because he was on the bottom of the coop’s pecking order. That meant that the big chickens pecked the medium chickens, the medium chickens pecked the little chicks – and everyone pecked tiny Scrappy.

It was hard being the youngest. Scrappy became more and more bedraggled and sad as his feathers were pecked away.

One day Mrs. Werner told Donny, the strong, kind boy who raised all the chickens, that the chickens could play in her garden. The chickens loved running around and had lots of fun. But after a couple of days, Mrs. Werner’s garden was a mess, so she told Donny that the chickens needed to go back to the coop.

When it began to get dark, all the chickens went back to the coop to roost. Well, almost all of the chickens. One little chicken didn’t want to go back to the coop. Scrappy.

Scrappy had wandered into the goat pen and liked it there. The other chickens who wandered into the pen went right back out when they saw the big goats. Not Scrappy.

Scrappy had the freedom to go wherever he wanted to go, but he didn’t want to go far from the goat pen. He felt safe in the goat pen with frisky Bambi, gentle Buttercup, steady Mocha, and powerful Oliver. He wasn’t afraid of being stepped on, because he knew the goats wouldn’t hurt him.

The other chickens looked at Scrappy from their coop, and clucked disapprovingly. “Tut, tut, tut! Chickens belong with chickens, and chickens belong in a coop. What kind of chick lives in a goat pen? That Scrappy doesn’t know his place.”

But Scrappy did know the place he wanted to be, because he knew where he felt good. He knew where he felt safe. He had plenty of food, lots of straw to scratch around in, friends to keep him company, and most importantly, no one to pick on him and peck him.

Scrappy got bigger and stronger and his feathers began to grow back. He loved waking up every day to a new adventure in a world where he felt safe and loved. He knew how chickens were supposed to act, but when he did what the other chickens did he was miserable and sad. Now he had chosen a different path for himself and was happy and living a life he loved.

The End.


It takes courage to consider what makes you feel happy and alive, when it means stepping outside the expectations others have for you. There may be fears to counter but there’s a rich life waiting to be lived.

Deep contentment doesn’t need to mean looking different from others or doing things that are visibly different. The point is to identify what makes you tick, what makes your life feel meaningful and enjoyable, and then to move towards that at whatever pace or in whatever way feels right to you.


Thank you all so much for your feedback!

Though I’ve written responses to all who commented here and privately, I feel I need to tell you how much I appreciate every single one of you taking the time to share your feedback.

It means a lot to me.

Sometimes I’ve wondered if I’m writing into a void, if the time for a blog has long since passed as video channels have become a more popular means of transmitting information, if what I’m writing is helpful, relevant, or of interest. Your responses were reassuring and encouraging for me to continue writing.

Thank you all so much; I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.


Deleting a post and an explanation

Today I made the unusual decision to delete a post. A couple of days ago I shared something that disturbed a number of people. While I feel the interview I shared was of value, it seems that most of the readers didn’t listen to the interview and instead based their responses on my summary of the interview, and assumed the summary statements to be my personal position.

Thank you all for your responses, here and via private emails.

As I consider your feedback, I can see that I made a mistake in not bridging the information prior to sharing it. That gap was then filled with inaccurate assumptions about my position on our current health situation. In rereading what I wrote, I can see how it could be taken differently than intended. I didn’t delete this to appease anyone, or because I was asked to do so. I’ve deleted it because I take responsibility for being misunderstood, for not adequately communicating a background/personal understanding that would give you an idea of why I shared what I did, so you could differentiate between my opinion and the political decisions made by the district being written about.

I do want to say one thing. If you’ve been reading here, you know that for years I’ve shared about health – physical, emotional, relational, spiritual. The well-being of others is deeply important to me. Please ask yourself if it would make sense to you or be consistent with who I am, that I would make light of or disregard the physical suffering that anyone has experienced. It is painful for me to know that people interpreted what I wrote in that way.

This week all of our married children will be joining us for Shabbos as we celebrate the aufruf of our son, who is getting married next week. You can imagine that I have things to do, and things I would rather be writing about, than this!

I’m sharing now because I want to clear the proverbial slate, not to win back readers, since this won’t make a difference to those who have left and whatever impression was made will remain, whether that is accurate or not. Knowing how emotional a topic this is, I should have been more careful about how I shared and taken significantly more time to build a foundation so that my intentions were more easily understood.


Blog status update and loving the outdoor life

It was a blog reader from South America who first contacted me to let me know my site had become inaccessible last week. From there, it quickly became apparent that my site was being blocked worldwide due to the content of my previous post.

The thought of losing thousands of posts written over the last fifteen years was very painful. And yet when my husband commented, “You’re taking this very well,” he was right. For many months I have repeatedly asked myself if I was demonstrating a lack of integrity by keeping silent on an issue that was so opposed to my value system (widespread media censorship and government coercion). There was a relief in finally saying my truth, and when I paid the price by having my site shut down – and it looked as if I might not be able to get it back – having acted in integrity with my values was a real comfort. Having said that, I’m so relieved to have been able to retrieve it.

Last night I left my computer open and while I was sleeping my 22 year old son read my blog for the first time (with the exception of my oldest daughter, my kids don’t read my blog). He spent hours reading through through years of posts, and first thing this morning told me how deeply touching it was to read about so many of our family experiences. This blog is a part of our family history and it would have been a huge loss to have not been able to retrieve it. (We intend to hire someone to back it up so even if I’m blocked again, I’ll still have my content.)

To the person who reported my post (and it seems clear to everyone I spoke to about this that my post wouldn’t have triggered censorship if it hadn’t been tagged specifically), while I’m saddened at what happened, I understand that what I wrote felt threatening to you, and I send you much compassion along with my blessing for you to feel safe in the world. It’s unfortunate when people think that by turning in others for ‘violations’ or simply differences of opinion that they are making the world a better place.

Additionally, I’m grateful to you. You gave me the opportunity to face something that I was afraid of and to see that I don’t have to be afraid and stay in the shadows, and as a result I feel calmer and more secure. I believe that everything that happens is for our best and in this case, you’ve helped me in a way that active supporters couldn’t.

I’m glad to be back and now on to other things.


A week ago the spring break for yeshivos began and my home suddenly filled with lots of male energy! It’s just me, my hubs and my seven boys. I love it!

It’s been a year since moving to Yavneel, and it’s been so great living in a place with a strong outdoor culture.

We had so many hesitations about making this move, particularly regarding our children. When we bought our home in September 2019, we had no idea that covid would happen or that we would move here on the first day of the most intense lockdown that Israel has experienced. Now hardly two days go by without my husband or me saying aloud how amazing it is that we moved when we did, and our children often tell me how happy they are here.

It’s not that we moved to a perfect place where everything is just as we want it, but we are living in a way that feels more aligned with the life we want. More quiet, more space, more outdoor time. Much more outdoor time. When the weather is pleasant, we spend most of the day outside!

View from my front yard

I really appreciate the quieter, slower pace of life, and the increased access to nature. To have experienced such a huge quality of life upgrade at a time of so much worldwide external stress was an incredible gift. Being here has been incredibly beneficial for us maintaining a positive and centered core at a time of challenge. We recently had some young men for a Shabbos meal, and one said he’s been hosted by many families over recent months and we’re the only ones who aren’t stressed about all that is going on.

There’s something centering and calming about being surrounded by the sights of nature. A friend who moved here a little after we did commented that she thinks everyone would benefit from the healing that happens when living in a place like this.

I also deeply appreciate the opportunities living here has created for our boys. Friends of my fifteen year old wanted to plan a group trip last week and he told them he’s not interested in joining: “I live in a vacation spot and I do hikes and trips whenever I want.” This, from a boy who prior to moving here always wanted to get out and be with friends.

There’s the daily outdoor time, lots of biking and hiking and just being. As I’m sitting here writing this on Thursday night, my 11, 13 and 15 year olds just asked me if they could take a nighttime hike to a local spring. I agreed, after cautioning them to wear their headlamps since one Friday night ds15 went with a friend – they obviously had no lights since it was Shabbos – and were chased by a pack of hyenas. So I’d like to avoid that kind of adrenaline rush this time. 🙂

Ds15 and ds13, triumphant after removing the tusks from the carcass of a wild boar that they found when hiking. Making memories with brotherly bonding.

The older boys (13, 15, 18, 22) did a long bike trip to the Jordan River during the last vacation, and this week ds13 and ds15 went with friends on a strenuous hike around the Sea of Galilee. They hiked 40 kilometers the first day, carrying all their water for the day with them. Later that evening my husband drove 45 minutes to meet them with a water refill and more food – they got really hungry with all that exercise! – and camped out with them for the night. They cut the trip from the intended three days to two since the fatigue was pretty intense, but it was still a good trip.

After working on getting my agreement for quite some time, my thirteen year old just purchased a bunch of two week old chicks and finished building a large coop for them. (He no longer has quail.) He really wanted me to agree to a cow so we could have our own milk and then negotiated down to sheep (he was hoping a neighbor with a large plot of land would agree to lease to us), but I’m not ready for the investment of fencing and animal housing on someone else’s property.

He also initiated learning with a local shochet, and is almost finished learning shechita. He’s considering doing an advanced course that is quite expensive that would qualify him to do nikur (removing the gid hanashe/ sciatic nerve), something that no one locally is trained in and pays well, even for someone his age. We’re continuing to discuss that. I’m not sure how I feel about him working in the field at this point, as competent and responsible as he is. Ds11, ds13 and ds15 have all had several opportunities to participate in skinning and kashering poultry and goat meat; there’s been a lot of hands-on learning.

Ds15 and ds13 both have been learning safrus; ds15 wasn’t able to complete the course since he went back to school (he’s had eight weeks of in-person classes this year), but ds13 is getting close to the end. He’s learned that it’s not something he enjoys very much (no surprise to me) but I value learning of all sorts and this has been a great opportunity. (That’s not an outdoor activity so it doesn’t really belong here but it’s part of the learning they’re doing since moving.)

Locally there’s a strong agricultural leaning so they see others raising animals and have had hands on experience with the animals of others, and it’s understandable why they want to have some, too! Ds11 really wants a milk goat but I put my foot down on that despite repeated importuning, and he got two rabbits instead. I keep reminding them we just don’t have space! I suggested he choose something small that has some practical benefit (the used bedding goes on the garden beds); though he takes good care of them, I can see that it’s not very satisfying for him.

To make a very good thing much better, six weeks ago my oldest daughter moved here with her family! I never dared hope that one of our children would choose to live close by. Having so much more time to spend with them has been wonderful! Covid has blessed me; if not for the changes in lifestyle that regulations have created, they would still be living in the previously very desirable Jerusalem neighborhood they were in. They moved from a city apartment with no balcony or outdoor space to a house with a garden, and now she finds that most of their time is spent outside, too.

Ds11 and ds13, helping their niece bottle-feed a two day old lamb

Notice that there’s been no mention of Pesach preparations, but I did do some shopping this week. They’ve had lots of trip time this week; next week we’re going to all work together intensely and do a Pesach cleaning marathon!


The power of a good question and our beach vacation

I’m writing this as I sit on the balcony overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, the sound of waves filling the air, the palm trees along the promenade swaying in the breeze and the new moon shining down on the water.

I’m here because of a question I asked myself several months ago.

I periodically ask myself life direction/mission statement kind of questions, to help me clarify the path I want to go on and the person I want to be. Life is busy and there’s always someone who needs something or something that needs to be done, and it can be hard to keep a long term perspective in the short term living.

My family has been a huge part of my mission statement work over the years, and I ask myself questions about the mother I want to be, the family I want to raise, the qualities that are important to me to nurture in our children, and other stuff along those lines.

Asking (and answering!) these questions really matters. It’s not just an intellectual exercise. When I get clarity about what’s important to me, those things then take priority and I can put energy towards them. Sometimes that energy is physical, sometimes it remains at the level of thought.

Back in January, I asked myself the following question: what would make me feel abundant? One answer that immediately came zooming out of my pen was, a week long vacation with my family. This thought about an extended vacation had been percolating since the summer, and putting it on paper pushed it up to a higher level of consciousness.

We were really busy in March and April  with holiday preparations, a new grandchild, bar mitzva preparations and home renovations. This was the perfect time to get away to decompress and recharge together as a family.

That's us down below! We had the beach mostly to ourselves. The benefit of doing things when others aren't doing it!
That’s us down below! We had the beach mostly to ourselves – the benefit of taking a trip to the beach when others aren’t .


And so here we are at the beach for a week!  All of our kids weren’t here – ds16 decided not to come, dd18 came for the first two days, ds13 came for the first four days – and our oldest daughter came the first full day we were here with her five week old baby to enjoy some time together.

Digging a massive moat - no wimpy plastic shovels for us - we packed a full size metal garden spade to take along!
Digging a massive moat – no wimpy plastic shovels for us – we packed a full size metal garden spade to take along!

Ds2, happy to be away from the water. After four days, I count it as a huge success that he agreed to be held as I walked in the very edge of the water.
Ds2, happy to be at the beach as long as he was far from the water. After four days, it was a huge success when he agreed to be held by me as I walked along the water’s edge.

Ds6 and ds9 hugging each other against the surf seconds before being knocked down by a massive wave.

Ds6 and ds9 hugging each other against the surf seconds before unexpectedly being knocked down by a powerful wave.

You know what kids want from us? Our time and presence. Me with the boys waiting for the waves to wash over us.
You know what kids want from us? Our time and presence. Me with the boys waiting for the waves to wash over us.

My husband was able to join us after a couple of days, so it’s mostly been the two of us with the five younger boys. For Shabbos it will be just us with the youngest four boys.

It has been so, so wonderful! My oldest son asked me if as a mother it’s still a vacation for me. I hesitated before responding. It’s a lot of work going away with children, but I’m enjoying our time together, especially in a place that is so beautiful.

It’s true that I would spend my time differently if I were here on my own. I would spend almost all day at the beach if it were just me, watching the waves, breathing deeply, thinking, reading, writing, walking…..

But being busy with the kids doesn’t mean I’m not enjoying myself. I absolutely am, and am so glad to have this opportunity.

Knowing that I start to feel resentful when I put a lot of energy towards meeting the needs of others and ignoring my own desires, I’ve been very conscious of making time to spend in a way that feels ideal for me. So far, that has meant going out to the beach in the early morning, shoes in hand, walking along the water of the shoreline.

That’s honestly blissful for me. I just love it. There’s something that happens inside, a quietness and calm that fills me without any effort on my part – it’s something I love, that deep and powerful energy of being in nature.

It’s amazing what we can create in our lives when we ask ourselves good questions!


Bar mitzva preps, Pesach preps, and doing renovation stuff

You know back in the summer, when I told you our family had undertaken a big renovation project that involved knocking down two walls and switching the locations of a bedroom and kitchen?

There’s a reason I never showed you the final pictures. Because I never completely finished this project.

It was a very ambitious project and it became incredibly draining and overwhelming when I ended up with much less help than I anticipated. My backup plan had been to hire a handyman who was doing other work for us to finish whatever wasn’t done within three weeks, which I told him from the start and he agreed to. I knew starting out that I absolutely did not want a project that dragged on and on.

So starting off, I thought I had all the bases covered – a good schedule for work to be done and a good exit plan.

However, that didn’t work out either – we just couldn’t get the guy to come more than once every week or two for a very short period, even with repeated reminders and advance scheduling. He’s busy, and honestly, it’s not any more fun for him than for me to do all the smaller finishing stuff.

So it became obvious that the project would need to be completed by me. The details of what needed to be done seemed never ending, and it was mentally wearing to always have more to do.

Most of it was done. But not the final touches that make a project look done.

I was so utterly maxxed out by this project that I took a huge break from giving workshops, dramatically cut down on private sessions with clients, and from anything extra, actually. I was the definition of overextended and burnt out.

I went waaaay past my limitations for an extended period in a way that I hadn’t done for years.

As a result, I needed to consciously fill myself up after that extreme period of depletion. In large part that meant has been leaving a lot of margin in my schedule so that every moment wasn’t filled with potential activities and tasks. In trying to do this, I recognized how very full my regular life is without any extra projects!

After a very long break, I finally have some mental head space to get this finished now! It’s also vacation for my twenty year old son, who is always willing to help out as much as he can when he’s home. So things are starting to get done.

Last week I had new counters and sinks installed. This week I the faucets installed and last night I began tiling the backslash in the kitchen. A glass cabinet door cracked and I hope this morning they’ll be ready to be picked up from the glass repair place and then reinstalled. (I took them there three weeks ago!)

(Maybe one day I’ll write a post about the countertops we built and installed that ended up not being frugal at all. That’s what we had until now.)

Someone came by last night and I apologized for the mess in the kitchen. He said that’s what everyone’s kitchen looks like now! I think mine is more than usual, with the wall in the process of being tiled, dishes that couldn’t be washed (since the tile glue has to set and can’t be gotten wet) piled in the sink, the counter covered with pieces of newspaper for protection, a container of contact cement on the floor, pieces of cut laminate on another counter, tiles and the tile cutter piled on the floor…

Not to mention the mess of cleaning for Pesach – we’re at that stage when each room is getting cleaner but all the stuff people don’t want or need is getting moved out and some of that is in the living room. I don’t like visual clutter and there’s  lot of it right now.


It’s getting done! And for the first time in a long, long time, I have some energy for this project and am enjoying doing it.


In response to a reader question about bar mitzva costs, I’ll be sharing that with you in the coming week after we wrap up the celebrations here.

For now, we’re looking forward to hosting our entire immediate family for this Shabbos. My son will be reading the Torah on Shabbos morning at KSY, followd by a kiddush – for those in the area, please consider yourself invited – I would love to see you there!
