Time to get started Pesach cleaning…or is it?

Until last night, I had a very straightforward plan for the day – start Pesach cleaning, which meant organizing the attic storage, and everyone getting started on their bedrooms.  When I make a cleaning schedule, I always make it very relaxed, so there’s never more than an hour or two at the maximum to clean each day (until the last couple of days when we do the kitchen).  I don’t schedule cleaning on Thursdays, and for the first couple of weeks, don’t schedule anything for Wednesdays, either.

It’s a good thing that I build in flexibility, because today, the very first day, I already need it!  After Shabbos, a few of my kids came home with announcements:  1) dd8 was invited to a birthday party today at 12:30;  2) dd12 heard about a one day clothing sale being held today that she wants to go to, first thing in the day;  3)  dd12 was told by the rebbetzin of our shul that there are free tickets available for me to take the older two girls to a play being shown tonight – there are some extra because patrons get a certain amount, but some of the patrons don’t need all of the tickets they have available – 8 pm, needing to leave by 7:25 pm;  4) dd14 told me that they have a vort (engagement party) to attend for the young lady who was directing their choir, 6 pm.

Then this morning there’s another call – the engaged friend asked if the older two dds can come early to help set up for the vort. Can they be there at 1 pm?  Sure, no problem.  Then another call – the birthday party is being changed to 12.  Sure, no problem.  Can dds come and practice a dance for the friend who is getting engaged during the time the birthday party is going on?  Sure, no problem.   And then a friend calls me to tell me her dd19 just got engaged and the vort for her is tonight, from 5 – 8 pm.  Sure, I’ll be there.

Meanwhile, on the home front, I optimistically think I’ll start cleaning.  Since the toddlers are both awake, I decide to shift gears from cleaning a room where it will be hard to supervise them, and instead organize the bookshelves in the dining room – they get very messy since too many people in this family think that shoving something onto any shelf, whether it’s a double layer or placing it horizontally, is putting it away.  🙂  While I start, my 18 month old helps himself to some sliced challah from the bread drawer, and brings it to where I’m working and starts repeatedly putting his slices of bread (he took two) on the shelves I’m cleaning, which makes me smile because this is why you have to clean all those areas you think shouldn’t have had any chometz (leaven) on them.  Then I take a break to read a couple of books to the older toddler (he’s getting very good at choosing long ones), and then ds6 comes down to tell me that their closet is looking really nice.  So I go upstairs to check on progress on that front.

I told you dd15 wanted to rebuild his closet, right?  That’s what he’s been doing the last couple of days, ie, Friday and now today.  And ds6 and ds10 seem to be unable to do anything but sit on their beds for hours at a time and watch him.  Not exactly hard at work in there, but I figure they’re bonding, so why not?  🙂   Ds15 is really doing a great job – I can’t figure out how he made the tracks for the three sliding door panels for the top shelf of the closet, but he did and they work great.  I don’t know how he even thought of the concept, let alone made it work!  So that’s where his energies are focused now, and the boys’ room is a wreck.  Everything has been pulled out of the closet and dumped on the beds and floor – and until he finishes painting the closet (that’s what he’s in the middle of right now), there’s no way to clean anything in there.

Ds6 was right, the closet is looking good; ds15 has done the first coat of paint, and it’s looking very nice.  I admire it, and tell him that ds 18 months is on his way up the stairs after me to ‘admire’ the room too, and to be aware.  I leave the room, and less than two minutes later,  hear ds15 yell in frustration.  Little toddler has done what he’s best at, gotten into something. 🙂  He walked right over to the paint can, almost dumping the entire can over (fortunately, didn’t succeed because ds grabbed the can in time), but not before getting some on his pants and shirt (incidentally, a new one that is his nicest everyday outfit).   I go back in and mention to ds15 that I had just finished warning him ds18 months was on the way (he obviously wasn’t really paying attention), and ask ds10 to grab him before he spreads any of the paint on his clothes onto something else, which he does.  He also washes out the outfit, and though it’s not as good as new, it will still be useable.  I resign myself to nothing happening in that room but the closet for the rest of the day, especially since soon before that, ds15 made a phone date with his options mentor for 3 pm, which is less than an hour and a half away.  I told him that the room has to be finished by then, but even though he assured me everything will be done, I don’t believe it!

So – this is what my simple day turned into – older dds walked dd8 to her party at noon, and are staying for duration of party to prepare dance with friend.  Then they’ll go to help friend set up for vort.  Then they’ll walk home, stopping at clothing sale on the way.  Then they’ll eat a late lunch when they get home.  Since it’s not going to be long that they’ll be at home before I have to leave for vort, I’m going to drop any suggestions of Pesach cleaning for today and just focus on having dinner on the table on time.  They did straighten up their room somewhat earlier in the morning, so I’ll count that. 🙂    Dh gets home from work around 5 pm, so I’ll leave as soon as he gets here for the vort, so I can get there are the very beginning, so I can get back home in time to take the girls to their vort at 6 pm.

Then they’ll attend their vort, and I’ll pick them up and we’ll go directly to the play, so that we’ll arrive there in time.  When we get home from the play, it should be time for bed.  🙂  Meanwhile at home, at some point the closet will get finished, the clothes will get rehung, and everyone will have time for dinner before going to sleep.  That’s the idea, anyway.

Right now, I think I’ll try to get some veggies shredded to pop into the dehydrator, once I put the toddlers in for a nap, sort some laundry, maybe clean the tops of the bookshelves (didn’t finish all of the shelves, but they are significantly improved), and eat some lunch.  Not the day I planned, but a nice day for everyone, and productive in its own way!


2 thoughts on “Time to get started Pesach cleaning…or is it?

  1. Avivah,

    I really enjoyed reading this post. What a beautiful picture of your family. =)

    I have become very curious about the celebrations that are mentioned by God in Scripture and possibly implementing them in our family. I don’t know how that will go over with my husband or my children, since we are not Jewish, but I am very interested in learning more. I am looking forward to reading more about how to prepare for, and how to celebrate these special Holy Days.



    1. Hi, Karilee, welcome! Thank you for your comments – though I don’t generally write about holidays here except to reference physical preparations of some sort, there is lots of information online that you can access. One valuable site is http://www.aish.com; they have a variety of articles on different aspects of every Jewish holiday, among other things.

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