More energy work :)

Last night my ds10 was complaining about neck stiffness, which I usually tend to brush off after telling him to take a hot bath or put a heating pad on his neck to loosen things up.  But my ds15 was there and told me that it’s really becoming problematic for his younger brother, so I right away got on the phone to make an appointment with my amazing chiropractor.  I’ve never taken any of my kids before, soley because of financial constraints, since the visits aren’t covered by insurance and are totally out of pocket expenses.

But I felt it was important that he be seen right away, and I took him to her this afternoon.  I was really surprised by what came up with him when she worked on him!  (I’m assuming that everyone who reads this has already read my explanations about energy work a few posts back.  If not, go back and look or none of this will make sense.)

The first level of energy blockage was regarding him feeling depleted by math (he’s in fourth grade and starting pre-algebra), which was very helpful to me to know.  I don’t push him, he’s just naturally good at math and has been self propelled, but it seems like it’s become a pressure for him.  I have some thoughts on how to better support him in this area and how to help him feel less overwhelmed by it that I’ll start to apply right away.  

The second level of blockage (deeper) was something socially he wants to do but can’t.  This was also easy to figure out; ds15 told me on motzei Shabbos that it was a good thing I agreed to let ds10 have a sleep over that night because he’s been feeling deprived.  It’s funny that he would feel lacking socially since more than any of the kids, he’s always going to friends, speaks to his best friend several times a day on the phone in addition to regular play dates and sleep overs, etc.  He makes friends easily and enjoys being around people, and always wants to be with them more than I want him to be out of the house.  I’m not worrying about this issue – I think we have a good balance regarding his social needs and he needed energy clearing more than we need to change anything in this area.  She asked him some questions afterwards about this and seemed to feel the same way.

It was the third layer of blocked energy that was the most interesting, and made it very clear why his neck stiffness became very intense right around now.  It’s directly related to his fear of his relationship with me being affected by a new baby, a fear of being ‘cut off and bereft of spiritual guidance and protection’.   I didn’t expect any of these issues; I thought it would probably be more about me expecting too much or being demanding of him, and him feeling like he couldn’t live up to my expectations.  But actually she said he feels a deep bond with me, and none of the issues I worried I was causing him seemed to be there. 

All of these issues were concentrated in his neck area, so after doing the energy clearing, she did a chiropractic adjustment and massage.  When she finished he left the room for a couple of minutes.  While I was standing next to her waiting for him, she quickly checked my energy, and then the baby’s energy.  She said she’s picking up fear regarding the birth.  I asked her where it was coming from, and she said that it’s not from me, but it’s the baby – he/she is afraid of being born.  This was really interesting because on Friday, my kids asked me when I thought the baby would be born, and I told them I felt that for some reason our baby was afraid of being born and I didn’t think labor was going to happen anytime soon, and we might be in for a lot longer wait than any of us would have expected.  I’ve never said or thought anything like that for any of the past eight babies, so don’t ask me why I thought that; it was kind of a spontaneous intuitive thought.  I asked why a baby would be afraid of being born, and she quietly pointed to my son, who had just come back into the room, and said that the baby’s fear and my ds’s fear are somehow connected.  But there’s no way to know how or why since souls can have contact from very far back.  She said not to worry about it since she cleared it away from both of them. 

Isn’t it fascinating how many layers of complexity there are that we aren’t even aware of?  So now my kids are thinking that because of this energy work the baby will be born tonight (every morning at least a couple of kids run to my room to see if the baby was born during the night!), and I keep trying to tell them to just relax and whenever it will happen it will happen. 


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