Women’s self-defense class

Tonight I took my dd13 and dd15 to a women’s self-defense class.  I had never attended anything like this but was recently talking to someone very active in planning/publicizing these kind of events who told me she’d give me a heads up when one for women only came up in the summer.

But before she did, I learned about the class I attended tonight.  It was $25 a person but the fee was waived for homeschoolers who learned about it on a particular list serve.  I found this class to be very valuable – personal safety is the kind of thing a parent needs to talk to their children about, particularly older daughters.  But it’s sometimes hard to strike the balance between providing helpful information and scaring them into believing that behind every car lurks someone waiting to attack.

The class was interesting and well-done.  I unfortunately got there late (took three different wrong turns) so I missed the first 20 minutes, but the first hour was talking about developing situational awareness and general strategies. Then we paired up (my girls were together) and practiced some simple but very effective moves to break away if grabbed, enabling one to escape. After practicing with partners, we had a chance to practice particular moves on ‘Bob’ the human dummy – hard slaps, elbow jabs – the kind of things you don’t want to do to your partner!  And there was a knee move practiced on a heavyweight punching bag.

I asked the girls afterwards how they liked it. They both thought it was interesting and useful; the only thing one dd found frightening was when a myth was debunked about people hiding in wait under cars in a parking garage (they don’t). That idea made her nervous.  Overall I felt the entire evening was empowering, giving women simple tools to protect themselves if necessary – there’s something reassuring about knowing what to do, even though by virtue of practicing situational awareness you’re significantly less at risk.

Communities across the country sponsor these kind of events regularly, and I’d strongly encourage all women to take the time to attend one.


2 thoughts on “Women’s self-defense class

  1. I took a women’s self-defense class when I was 14; it was a series for PE in public school (I’m 55). It was one of the most valuable things I have ever learned (along with typing and sewing) as a young girl. I am hyper-aware of my surroundings and so is my daughter (12) and it has always served me well. Situational awareness is the number one way to prevent an attack, chas v’shalom.

  2. I wish to attend some trainings too for personal defense. For now I’m settling with my devices like stun gun and pepper spray. Thanks for recommending.

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