Sometimes it feels like expectations others have of me rise faster than my ability to meet them, and I start to feel inwardly tense. Years ago it would take a couple of weeks of it building up and getting pretty intense before I’d do something about it, but I’ve fortunately learned to recognize this feeling early on. So tonight I was thinking about how to appropriately rebalance myself, when I read something online – a personalized version of the song from the classic movie A Sound of Music, ‘My Favorite Things’. Do you know the song?
The song has a catchy and upbeat tune, and I’ve always liked it. I was inspired to write up my own version to reflect some of my favorite things, and I found myself smiling and the tension melting away within about five minutes as I scratched out my verses. I did this while listening with the kids to our evening readaloud (we got the book on cassette this time to give my voice a rest and we all listen together) so it’s not Roger and Hammerstein but that’s okay!
Because it made me smile, I thought I’d share it with you. If you know the song that I’m referring to you can imagine the words below set to music.
Avivah’s Favorite Things
- Sweet morning hugs surrounded by littles
- Snuggles and kisses and lots of giggles
- Playing and talking and tying heart strings
- These are a few of my favorite things.
- Jumping in leaves and playing in snow
- Warming up with cups of hot cocoa
- Watching the olders take care of siblings
- These are a few of my favorite things.
- Going on trips and learning together
- Cooking and planting and watching the weather
- Thanking Hashem for my precious blessings
- These are a few of my favorite things.
- Sleeping in tents and hiking on trails
- Building a patio and banging in nails
- Around campfires and on Shabbos we sing
- These are a few of my favorite things.
- Long conversations with time to listen
- A beautiful family that makes my eyes glisten
- All of the love and the closeness it brings
- These are a few of my favorite things.
- When messes pile high
- And I feel stress rise
- And I’m feeling sad
- I simply remember my favorite things
- And then I don’t feel so bad!
If you feel inspired to create a stanza or two of your own, I would LOVE it if you shared it below!
I won’t even attempt to share my version but I wanted to say kol hakovod! This totally made me smile. You are truly amazing!
Tie dyeing, face painting, raising our seedlings
Music and lego and homeschool group meetings
children filled with wonder and joy with grins
These are a few of my favorite things.
Love it! It had to be a homeschooler who would jump in with their version, didn’t it?!
The homeschooling spirit!