Being paid well for blogging!

Last week someone emailed me to ask about starting a blog, and how to make a profit from it.  She said she was sure as a mother of a large family, I wouldn’t be blogging if it weren’t financially worth my while.

I emailed her back to let her know that I’m not a good person to ask about blogging for money, beyond to say that it’s possible.  I enjoy blogging because I enjoy being able to help others, and it’s also become an outlet for me to share about non-specific things that are part of my life, which I appreciate being able to do!

But it’s inaccurate to say that I don’t feel I’ve been compensated for the time I’ve put into this blog.  This week, I received a beautiful email:

>>I  wanted also to thank you for making such a difference in me and my life. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to meet you and that I was able to take that (parenting) class with you. I don’t like to be a burden on someone or to push a relationship where I know I would be only a taker and that is why I haven’t written or otherwise made contact. But I wanted you to know that you have made a tremendous impact on my life. I know that you know I grew up in a very unhappy dysfunctional home and I’ve had to work very very hard at building myself and trying to create a happy home. I never forget the people who step into my life, sometimes very briefly, sometimes for longer, and make impressions on me that I carry forever and help change me as a person and as a mother. You are one of those people!  Thank you!  P.S. I love your blog!<<

I wanted to post this here to publicly say thank you to this person, as well as to say the following: giving someone else the opportunity to be a giver doesn’t by default make you a taker – you’ve given me something special by allowing me a place in your life.

Thank you to all of my readers for being here, and especially to those of you who have written to me personally and said that something I’ve shared has been of help to you – your feedback is truly the best ‘salary’ for blogging I could have!


2 thoughts on “Being paid well for blogging!

  1. There is a way to make money blogging. There is a guy, Darren Rowse, who became a millionaire off of blogging. While I don’t expect my blog ( to really make any money, I also do it for the fun of it, and helping guide people through the Aliyah process. Who knows? Maybe one day I’ll start blogging for money.

    If you do a search for “making money from blogging” Darren Rowse is listed as the first three or four names.

    Dovid Cohen
    Author, Our Aliyah Blog

  2. I just found your blog and I’m really enjoying reading through it. Please don’t stop writing these insightful, encouraging posts.
    When I first started my blog, no one read it and I was wondering why I bothered at all. But then one day I noticed that someone I did not know had put me in their blogroll. That was enough chizuk to get me to continue… and now BH my blog is pretty popular and I get a lot of satisfaction from it.
    On that note, I just put you in my blogroll!
    On a separate note, you might enjoy a post that I wrote here about making money with a blog.
    Kol tuv!

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