Eleven months – some Yirmiyahu cuteness to share

It’s impossible for me to tell you how much happiness Yirmiyahu has brought to our family since he was born eleven months ago, or to figure out how so much love and light can shine out of one little body.  All of his siblings love holding and playing with him, from the oldest to the youngest.  Here are some pictures in honor of his eleven month birthday (that’s just an excuse to show him off, you know :)).

Yirmi snacking on tissue
Fun to play with, good to taste!


Our family summer 2013 007

My Mommy said she wishes I would enjoy eating the food she gives me as much as I liked this!  
Once Yirmiyahu learned to sit us, ds7 decided it was time to teach him to play ball
Once Yirmiyahu learned to sit us, ds7 decided it was time to teach him to play ball
Yirmi, happy with ds14
Yirmi, chilling with ds14
Super flexible - who knew how fun feet could be??
I’m super flexible- who knew how fun feet could be??


At ds5's birthday party at kindergarten - having fun watching the action
At ds5’s birthday party at kindergarten – having fun watching the action
On the way home from the party with ds4
On the way home from the party with ds4



I didn't get a goody bag like ds4 but I'm happy anyway.
I didn’t get a goody bag like ds4 but I’m happy anyway.
Ds7 reading to Yirmiyahu
Ds7 reading to Yirmiyahu
Yirmi getting involved in story
Yirmi getting involved in story
"Hmm, this is interesting."
“Hmm, this is interesting.”
"I love when Eliyahu reads to me!"
“I love when my big brother reads to me!”


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