Yirmiyahu on all fours!

While we’ve been  busy with our kitchen preparations, look who learned how to support himself on all fours!

on all fours - 11.5 months

I never really gave much conscious thought to physical stages of development with any of the nine children before Yirmiyahu.  But since he has low muscle tone, having the strength to support himself on all fours is a big milestone!  Yirmiyahu has been rolling and scooting himself forward and backwards and around in circles, but being able to be on all fours is the first step to creeping (that’s the official term for crawling on all fours).  It’s such a gift to have the opportunity to be aware of and appreciative of each stage.

It’s amazing how exciting something so seemingly small can be.

"Wait, aren't you supposed to pick me up now?"
“Wait, aren’t you supposed to pick me up now?”
"What if I make cute faces at you?  Then will you pick me up?"
“What if I make cute faces at you? Then will you pick me up?”
"Read my body language - pick me up!!"
“Come on, you know you want to!  Pick me up!!”

Sorry, no more pics after that – he got scooped right up for a big hug!  There’s not much tolerance around here for leaving cute babies alone!


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