Some of you may remember when Yirmiyahu was younger (he’s now 4.5) I was quite concerned about his growth rate. He was born weighing 7 pounds but by the time he was 12 months had dropped down to the 50%. And that downward trend continued the older he got.
You have to know that I’m not a parent who usually cares at all about growth charts. I can see my kids growing and I trust they’ll each grow at the rate that is right for them. But Yirmi was different and that’s why this relaxed mom got increasingly concerned.
Yirmi dropped completely off the growth charts for quite a while; he was getting older and older but hardly any bigger. As a result I was doing a lot of research on human growth hormone deficiencies to gear up for getting him tested. Two years ago I took him to a pediatric endicronologist to suggest starting the testing for growth hormone deficiencies, she told me that his malfunctioning bladder and kidney might be the cause of the issue. Her explanation was that his body was using so much energy to function and compensate for the malfunction, that there wasn’t any energy left to grow. She suggested waiting until after his reconstructive surgery to see what happened.
Well, in October 2015 Yirmi had major surgery and the issue was finally corrected. He was last weighed and measured before the surgery. When I recently I took him to the pediatrician, I asked to officially check his measurements.

She was astonished to see he has gained 5 kilos since then. And we were both even more taken aback to see he has grown TWENTY TWO centimeters. Do you know how huge that amount of growth is in less than 18 months?!? He’s gone from the very bottom of the growth chart to now being in the 35% for height on the typical growth chart! That means Yirmi is finally the same size as his same age peers!
He’s not a little guy anymore.
I knew he had been growing a lot because after two years of wearing the same size, his clothes had finally gotten too small and needed to be replaced. And then I replaced that size with another size. That’s why I didn’t make a special effort to have him measured until now – I was sure he was growing.
I can also see he can reach much higher to press the buttons in our elevator than when we first moved here in April 2015!
But to hear how significant the growth has been, and to know that he’s really solidly on the typical growth chart was quite emotional for me. It was such a big concern for such a long time, and poof…now it’s not.
So much gratitude…and I was reminded to share this when recently speaking to a mother of a child with T21 who at age 3 is the same size Yirmi was at that age. It’s one more reminder for me not to get stuck in the limited picture that sometimes presents itself, but to trust in G-d’s remarkable timing!
That is such wonderful news BH and I can imagine your relief. Yirmi is so cute kah, much nachas from him.
This is such great news!! I was actually thinking about your posts on his growth from a long time ago; just the other day (my oldest is short and after our last drs visit, I was thinking about the posts you wrote about his growth from a few years ago). Thanks for the update! May he continue to grow 🙂
and….. he’s off! Lovely to hear this news – indeed, it is disconcerting how problems we’ve worried about for so long we’ve gotten GOOD at it, are suddenly NOT what we need to be thinking about at all. Much nachat from Yirmi and all of your crew!
That is wonderful news. I actually noticed his growth in your last post, holding the new baby! We are at your earlier stage..age two and just barely growing, it is my biggest concern… Would greatly appreciate advice, maybe vitamins you think may have helped? Thank you…
How lovely to hear that Yirmi is a big big brother now.
very happy to hear he is growing beautifully. may it continue with be’z.
What a terrific pic! What wonderful news! Looking forward to seeing you soon!