We are thrilled and delighted to announce the engagement of our oldest son, Elazar!
You may remember him from a photo last week with his two youngest brothers:

I began writing this blog 10.5 years ago, when he had just turned 13. Some of you have been reading from the beginning and have watched him (as well as our other children) grow up through all these years. He has become an amazing young man.
Last week my husband and I had the opportunity to meet the young woman he was dating (we went right from there to pick up Rafael!). At that point it was clear that his intentions were serious and it didn’t take more than a few minutes for it to be obvious to us both what a beautiful person she is and to see what a perfect match they were!
Last night he proposed to this very special young lady. It brings me so much joy to share with you all our overflowing happiness as he embarks on this new stage of life with his wonderful fiance, Rivkie!
May you all be blessed with abundant good in your lives, and may we all share in continued good news!
mazel tov!! mazel tov!! only simchas! may they build a binyan adei ad together!
Our ds 29 is marrying in April. We are so excited to begin this next faze of our children’s lives. Let’s hope for ever expanding families in our future! Congratulations to all!
Congratulations, Jan, how exciting!
Mazel tov! I’m so delighted for you. May they build a binyan adei ad!
Wow! Amazing news. Mazal tov to you and the young couple!
Mazal tov, so happy for you all.
I am so happy for your whole family. May you continue to share nachat!
Mazal tov Avivah! Binyan adei ad! May you have much nachas from the young couple!
Wonderful news
Mazal tov, Mazal tov! From simcha to simcha!!!!
mazal tov! what wonderful news!
Mazal tov! Such wonderful news.
Mazal tov! so nice to hear.
Mazel tov!!
Mazel Tov Avivah! Baruch Hashem! May the abundance of Bracha from Hashem keep flowing and flowing to you and your beautiful family!
Mazal Tov!!! Such exciting news!! May they follow in your footsteps and build a bayis ne’eman B’Yisroel!!
Wonderful, mazal tov!
May they be zoche to build a bayis neeman b’Yisrael! and may you be blessed with lots of energy! and nachas!
Mazal tov!!!!!!!! B”H!!!!!!!!!
So many great smachot for your family!!!!!!! B”H may all the happiness continue!!!!!!!!!
Mazel Tov!!! I am sooo happy for you. You should enjoy the Simcha and it should be with only Shaalom!!!!
Mazel tov! Continued simchas!
What a special lovely young woman for a special handsome young man. Since Elazer has such depth i believe she does also. They make an amazing couple! Am so sorry not to meet Rivkie yet!

May the chassan and kallah be zoche to build a Bais Ne’eman b’Yisroel!
Belated but huge and sincere mazel tov!!
Never too late for good wishes, Julie! Just last night I was thinking it’s been ages since we’ve been in touch!