Someone shared this wonderful story with me of an adoptive father of 12 children, most of whom have Trisomy 21. What in the world compelled this couple to travel across the world and adopt these abandoned children from various countries?
If I had read this story before I had a child with Trisomy 21 I simply couldn’t have related to it at all. I had no part of me that could understand people who did things like that, and could only assume they were on a completely different elevated plane from myself. I mean, why make your life harder?

I have a really different perspective now that we have our two treasures with T21. Since we brought Rafael home I know that people sometimes put me on that elevated plane that I used to put others on, but from where I’m standing, it looks completely different. It isn’t about picking up a heavy burden and suffering; the reality is so, so much love and blessing and gratitude and faith for all of our beautiful children.
Here’s the story I’m referring to – take a couple of minutes now to go and read it! A Story of Hope and Love
I can’t even try to guess about seemingly negative things like why the author’s sister suffered as she did, but everyone can clearly see that it led to something very beautiful all these years later – his huge family of children with special needs – as a result of her being in his life.
Ds8 told me a few days ago, “I’m glad that Rafael has Down syndrome. Because if he didn’t, he wouldn’t be part of our family.” I’ve never articulated it in that way to our children, but he’s right – for us Down syndrome was the positive ‘hook’ that brought Rafael into our family!
I will read the story of hope and love be’z but just wanted to comment on how big rafael has gotten! he looks very happy and healthy! gmar chatima tova to you and family. rochel.
Thank you, Rochel, he really is a complete yum and BH healthy and very happy! Just last night we looked at pictures from his first day with us and couldn’t believe how much he’s grown. Gmar chasima tova to you as well!
Thank you for sharing my story!
Thank YOU, Adam, for sharing your story. It was such an inspiration! Many blessings to you and your family.