Dd22 celebrated her 23rd birthday on the first night of Chanuka in a very special way – by getting engaged!
We are delighted to announce the engagement of Tehila to Meir Samberg of Memphis, TN!
The l’chaim was at our house last night (the first night of Chanuka).
For Michal’s lechaim exactly two weeks ago, I shared a picture of the expanded Werner ladies group. Below is the expanded Werner guy group. 🙂

I can’t tell you what a beautiful feeling it is to watch one’s children find their soulmate! Each and every one has chosen such a special person who is uniquely suited to him/her. Really, it’s remarkable. And so exciting!
The engagement party will be this Monday evening from 8 – 10 pm in RBS at the Bais Mordechai shul. If you’re reading this and are local, please consider this an invitation!
Oh my goodness, I’ve been MIA from blogosphere for a couple weeks, I check back in and you have two engagements! So, so happy for your family. Only simchas!!! Mazel tov!!
A huge mazal tov on all your wonderful news and especially the latest engagement!
Wow, mazal Tov!
I’m so happy for you and your young women.
Much mazal tov from all our family!!!!
mazel tov!! may the sweet couple build a bayis ne’eman together, and you should only be busy going from simcha to simcha!
Wow! Mazal tov and Mazal tov! Wishing you oodles of nachas!
A big mazal tov and Chanukah Sameach! So fantastic, as always, to hear your good news!
WOW Aviva!!! A huge Mazel Tov. I am so happy for you and your family that you have travelled to this point. You should continue to see much nachas from all your children.
I wish I could see you in person and give you a big hug
Lots of love
WOW Aviva!!! A huge Mazel Tov. I am so happy for you and your and that you have travelled to this point. You should continue to see much nachas from all your children.
I wish I could see you in person and give you a big hug
Lots of love
Mazel tov so happy for you all!
Wow!! Mazel tov!! From simcha to simcha!! Love the pictures!
Mazal tov! Mazal tov! What a time of bracha for your family. Actually, a third mazal tov for your breakthrough with getting permission to homeschool all your children.
Thanks for the light!!!
Thank you all so much for your good wishes and for virtually sharing in our simcha!