Announcing the newest Werner!

This morning, our son and his wife had a gorgeous baby girl!

When I told our nine and ten year old sons that the baby had been born, they excitedly asked, “A boy or a girl?” When I said a girl, they both had a similar look of disbelief and said, “A girl??” As if, how did that happen?!?

That’s what happens when you are one of six boys in a row, it kind of skews your perspective. πŸ™‚

I look forward to meeting her in person hopefully tomorrow.

I’m telling you, our kids grow up SO fast! And along with them, so do we. Me, a grandmother? I’llΒ  need some time to mentally adjust to that!


20 thoughts on “Announcing the newest Werner!

  1. Mazal Tov! Wishing you oodles of nachas! Welcome to a whole new role! I’m so looking forward to learning from your “take” on grandparenthood! (No pressure, enjoy!)

  2. Wow–a whole new stage of life for you and your family! Enjoy. May you have much nachas and may your new granddaughter be raised to Torah, chuppah and maasim tovim

  3. Mazel tov! Much nachat! So exciting! Blessings for good health, happiness and peace for the whole family πŸ’•

  4. Mazel tov!! May you have tons of Yiddishe nachas from your growing family and may she be the first of many grandchildren!
    Will you be Savta? Bubby? πŸ™‚

  5. Mazal Tov! So exciting! May your new granddaughter and all of your family be blessed with good health and much happiness!

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