Rafael is standing! – video

I haven’t yet taken a picture of our kitchen renovation, which is still in process and I’m wating until it’s a bit more complete before sharing. But you’ll get a glimpse of it in this short video on a busy erev Shabbos of Rafael standing up!

Rafael is now 20 months old and is doing great in every way! His latest thrill is practicing standing up on the edge of the couch or bed (he climbs up himself), causing everyone in his vicinity to simultaneously gasp and lunge for him. He falls forward at the very edge and then looks at us all with a huge grin while we’re taking deep breaths to calm ourselves!

You’ll see the grin I’m referring to in the video below. šŸ™‚


When I see childrenĀ learning to stand or walk, what always strikes me is how they haveĀ an intrinsic desire for mastery. They don’t get discouraged that they can’t yet do it. They want to go beyond what they already know, and keep trying and trying until they do it.Ā  And they enjoy it along the way!

I’ve often thought how we could benefit by adopting a similar attitude to learning new skills, especially when we fall short. Rather than shame or blame themselves for not knowing how to already do it better than they do, these little learning dynamos just get up and try again with a smile.


5 thoughts on “Rafael is standing! – video

  1. he is so proud and has every right to be! he looks bli ayin hara so good, happy, and we see he is really getting around. you should have so much nachas from him and all your sweet family. the kitchen looks really nice and plenty of room. great decision. enjoy it!
    gmar chatima tova.

  2. Oh my goodness, how cute is that? You are right, we need to keep reminding ourselves of the joy of mastery, and to not take setbacks as such terrible things.

  3. Oh, what a happy smile! He will be able to get into a whole new level of mischief very soon. Such a happy, healthy little boy! Beautiful!

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