Rafael is now 3! Where has the time gone?!? (If you’re thinking it doesn’t seem like three years to you, it may be because he joined the family when he was two months old. )
We had a family celebration and everyone got a snip at his first haircut. He is a very good-natured and fun little boy; the significant exception was every morning’s screaming session when I brushed his hair, so we are all very happy for him to have short hair now!

My husband put together a repeating video slide show of Rafael that was playing throughout the evening on the computer; it was nice to see all the different stages and memories from the time he came home.
As always, it was SO nice to have all our our children together! After everyone left, my husband and I once again marveled at what a very wonderful group of people they are.

The older boys enjoy singing together (they sung at the chupa of one of their sisters); ds21 playing the guitar while ds17 accompanied him on the harmonica, our oldest son is standing, holding his sister’s baby. Our two sons-in-law were shmoozing together to the left.
It took me two days to look at Rafael with his new haircut and not feel sad that my little baby is gone. He seems so much older all of a sudden! After that I got used to it and now I don’t even notice it anymore!
Mazel tov!!
May you have much nachas from Rephoel and the rest of your beautiful family.
Thank you, Surie!
We all remember when Rafael came into your family. Now with that huge smile, he is going to show us all what it means to have a family that gives and nurtures love! May you all continue to show us patience, and acceptance. Mazel Tov Rafael!
Rachelli, I appreciate how positive and encouraging your comments always are!
I love seeing your beautiful family Avivah! 🙂
Thanks, Kel! A few of them are missing but they’ll be in an upcoming post. 🙂
Mazal tov!! Happy birthday! Lots of nachas! Love to you all.
Mazal Tov on all the wonderful milestones and accomplishments! I enjoyed meeting you in Karmiel a few years ago and derive much inspiration from your website. Wishing you and your beautiful family much Hatzlochah!