In the last couple of weeks, I’ve been preoccupied with the possibility of moving to our new home in the north. Our original intention was to wait until the end of the school year in order to give our children as much closure as possible before moving to a new place. However, a lot is changing….
The first school closures were announced less than three weeks ago and a few days later the school closures were complete. When I considered the big picture, it seemed unlikely schools would resume after the five week shutdown that was announced. But of course, no one knew what would happen.
Expecting we would soon be facing an extended period at home, I was strongly inclined to move to our new home for a number of reasons. It’s significantly larger and has much more outdoor space, which would make quarantine much more comfortable for the ten of us. The green fields surrounding the house would offer increased freedom at a time when movement is restricted, and it would be a physically and emotionally healthier place to be.

There would also be various tasks to get the house ready that would be enjoyable to do together while providing a constructive outlet for the energy of kids who are home all day.
In light of all that, two weeks ago I asked my kids what they thought of moving sooner rather than waiting until July. None of them liked that idea – they wanted to stay in RBS for when things got back to normal.
However, every few days the guidelines were tightening, and I was concerned that we were going to go to a dramatically more limited level of movement nationally very soon. I also thought that given another week of not being able to see friends, their perspective on moving would shift.
Meanwhile the sale of our home in the north still wasn’t completed, and I couldn’t make any plans to move until we owned the home. I was feeling very unsettled, wanting to plan a move and feeling the choice would soon not be mine to make.
It was only a week after we first started talking about moving (but it felt like a lifetime) that I told my husband we needed to set a clear intention about what we wanted. It was last week on a Sunday night that we agreed we would move on Monday, March 30. Hopefully that would give the bank time to get their act together (lots of delays due to the current situation) and complete the paperwork, and it would give us a week to pack up.
The next morning announced to our kids that we would be making the move a week later. We didn’t know if it would be possible but we went with the assumption that it would work out. I went to get some boxes from the store first thing in the morning and when I brought them home, the kids started packing their things. I called the mover and booked the date.

Later Monday afternoon, after my husband spoke to the lawyer and real estate agent, the seller agreed that we could move in even if the paperwork wasn’t completed.
That got my gears spinning: although we set the following Monday as the target date to be realistic about the bank’s timeline, I was sure by Thursday night we would have new restrictions in place and wanted to go before our move would be forbidden. If the seller was already willing to let us move in before the sale was completed, maybe we could move on Thursday morning?
First thing Tuesday morning I called the mover to ask if he could do the move on Thursday morning. He wasn’t able to give me an answer until Tuesday afternoon, but I told the kids to assume it would happen. At 2 pm his response was that he could send us a truck and driver, but no other staff were available. A number of people who had planned to move the following week had frantically moved their moving dates up in light of the situation, and he had no workers left.
He suggested we do the move ourselves, and being very motivated to move as soon as we could, I agreed.

While my husband continued working (from home) and the kids packed and dissembled furniture, I was busy completing all the errands.
One big item was buying a new fridge – a week before the repairman had said it wouldn’t last much longer and I doubted it would be functional if we moved it. It would be very difficult to be in a new home without a working refrigerator. I was able to buy a fridge that was a floor model, which allowed us to haul it home that same evening (rather than wait a week for delivery), and load it onto the moving truck the first thing in the morning.
It was a very, very full two days!
Our mover verified legally that he was still allowed to do the move on Thursday morning.
My kids were amazing; they all jumped in and worked together without stopping and without complaining. It was actually an energizing and bonding experience for us all.
Moving in this way might sound like a nightmare, but it really wasn’t. The amazing thing wasn’t that we packed up and moved in this very short time frame, but that it didn’t feel pressured. That was a result of all of us thinking and speaking in a positive way.

And we made it! We are here in our new home in Yavneel!

Though in the earlier stage of discussion there was resistance to the idea of moving now, at this point everyone agrees it was a really good plan! We all feel grateful to be here, with a sense of having squeaked through at the very last minute.
That’s not theoretical – at 4:30 pm on Thursday afternoon, as we were unpacking in our new home, I received a message from our foster social worker, who I was in daily contact with about the move and knew all of our plans. Her message stated that her supervisor had just told her that we were no longer authorized to move. I had such a sense of deep relief to already be here!
I’m teary eyed with the last part, because that is beyond beyond amazing!
May you have a yishuv tov and continued Siyata Dishmayah always!!!
Thank you, Shoshana!
Wow, Beruchim Habaim to the north!!
Thank you, Tehilla, it’s amazing to be here!
Mazel tov to your new home!
Thank you, Rivkah!
May you and your family have peace and safety in your new home. Such a beautiful blessing! So grateful for the guidance and timing that kept your family safe and together. Mazel Tov
Thank you, Danielle! I feel the same way, filled with gratitude to be all together here in our new home at this time.
Mazal tov on your move! About the social worker saying you’re not allowed to move- does the fact that you already moved make that a moot point? You can’t get “in trouble” after the fact, right? I hope not!
No, we’re totally clear on moving! We didn’t do anything wrong by moving when we did. I was in touch with her before and after, and she said it sounds like it was the most healthy choice we could have made.