What are companion plants and why do you want them in your garden?

Companion planting is such a fascinating concept! This is the term for when you plant various plants together that enhance the growth of another, provide pollination benefits or help resist pests.

Around each of my fruit trees, I planted flowers that will help repel harmful bugs while attracting beneficial insects. The flowers I’ve so far planted are marigolds, zinnias and petunias. All of these attract bees and butterflies, while repelling harmful insects. (I’m going to be interplanting these with my vegetable plants once they go in the ground, too.) There’s lots of fascinating information online about what chemicals they release in the air and in the roots, what insects they repel (and even what harmful insects they draw in).

Also in that same garden bed I’ve added four different gardenias, lavender and sage that are also great companion plants! I’m planning to add in some more green herbs, like parsley, basil and mint (which will have it’s own area since it spreads like a weed).

I’ve been composting heavily in the center of this bed, which is why I have so many more plants in the middle than around the edges. I’m working my way outward. All of these plants will hopefully spread and fill in with time and become much more lush.

If you’re doing some planting, however small, consider adding some companion plants that will make the birds and butterflies happy, while helping your main plant stay healthy!


3 thoughts on “What are companion plants and why do you want them in your garden?

  1. A friend gave us tomato plants in a pot one time, planted along with a marigold plant, for this reason. We called them Tom and Mary 🙂

    Unfortunately, I can’t seem to remember to take care of plants properly – it’s hard enough to take care of my kids! Enjoying your garden vicariously!

    1. I love that!

      Glad you’re enjoying it vicariously, I really hesitated about posting about gardening stuff because I felt it might be too off topic for people. Then I decided since my main focus is on living a meaningful life and finding joy every day, and this brings me joy, that it’s not too off topic!

  2. Hi, I love gardening, even when I have to grow my plants in big buckets! Is there a problem with kilayim in Israel if you do companion planting? Thanks

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