This Shabbos – our corona bar mitzva!

When it was announced months ago that celebrations would be curtailed because of corona, I told my kids it was good that my son’s bar mitzva wasn’t until September. Because hopefully things would be back to normal by then.

Well, they aren’t back to normal and tomorrow night (Thursday) is the bar mitzva! Thankfully we are a nice sized group consisting of our single and married children as well as my mother (20 including our three granddaughters), and we will have the bar mitzva seuda together.

I really don’t know what to expect as far as participation of others outside our immediate family for the dessert reception afterwards or the kiddush on Shabbos morning following davening (both to be held outdoors in our garden). It’s going to be interesting to see how things unfold!


I was feeling very pressured yesterday morning about all that needed to cooked/baked/cleaned as nothing was done and I had two days left to do it all. Two days with most of the older kids not home to help, and two young children at home who need a lot of active supervision. Two days when my husband would be traveling to Jerusalem for work, so no car to take care of any errands or shopping and obviously he won’t be around to help out.

To add to that, my fridge hasn’t been working properly, and since it’s under warranty, the technician was supposed to come this week. He didn’t come and when I called to reschedule, he won’t be coming until next week. The Shabbos setting hardly cools the fridge and the food spoils by the end of Shabbos, and isn’t working optimally during the week. So that was a deterrent as far as cooking in advance.

I sat down to make a list of menus for the bar mitzva meal, the dessert reception, the three Shabbos meals and the Shabbos morning kiddush. And I saw a message from my oldest daughter.

She informed me that she and her sister were in touch and would be bringing the following baked goods, and then listed the items. And she went shopping to buy some things I needed today. And my amazing daughter in law called to ask how she could help, and bought all the paper goods and is bringing another dessert with her.

They were all very concerned about how much needs to be done and that I have minimal assistance to do it all. I very, very much appreciated knowing that others are thinking of me and understand the logistical challenge.

Just like that, I went from feeling alone and overwhelmed, to feeling loved and supported.

Then this morning I got up at 4:30 and got two hours of focused preparations underway before anyone was up, and amazingly continued getting things taken care of while they were awake. (I made a huge pot of matbucha, three 9 x 13 pans of potato kugel, three pans of noodle kugel, two pans of apple crumble, one pan of chocolate cake, two pans of baked apples, roast, beet salad, roasted radishes, cleaned and reorganized both fridges to make room for all the food I’ll be making, and did lots of laundry and dishes. And made breakfast and dinner and raked up lots of small pebbles and rocks into piles in my garden so they can get toted out. And was pleasant with my children throughout the day – I count the last item as really important because when there’s a happy event, it’s important to me not to spoil it with tension about what has to be done).

And then my eleven year old took my eight year old to the park while I took a nap midday.

And my mother read them books.

And then a lovely young lady came to help with the younger boys (starting this week I arranged for her to come daily for an hour in the later afternoon) but since they weren’t available, she mixed up a cake batter alongside me in the kitchen.

And then someone called to offer to do any shopping I need tomorrow, and to pick up my two younger kids and watch them so I can get things done. And called back to ask if I prefer she send a salad for the bar mitzva meal or for Shabbos.

And then my daughter called back to say that she’s bringing even more desserts with her, and what else can she make?

It can feel a little lonely making a celebration in a new place, during this time of dramatically reduced communal social interactions. But all of these pinpoints of love and offers of help meant so much to me.


13 thoughts on “This Shabbos – our corona bar mitzva!

    1. I know, I seriously had no time and sometimes when there’s no time I stop and do something completely different that is a positive shift in energy. I can’t make a bar mitzva and not share it here just because I’m busy!

      Thank you for the good wishes, Surie!

    1. Thank you, Shoshana! The love was received!

      As I was listening to his leining I got all teary eyed. I thought of Chezky’s bar mitzva a few times over Shabbos and thought, Shoshana would understand just what it means to have a child lein when the reading comes so late and after so much effort. You would never have known, not listening to him lein his parsha and haftorah, or listening to him lead davening, or lead the mezumin…so, so grateful.

      1. Absolutely!!! Its amazing how fast time goes. I “met” you when my oldest was 2 …she graduated high school and will iyH be in Israel this year!!

          1. As soon as she is allowed to travel for Shabbos, I will definitely tell her! You are a common name in our household 🙂 (She just arrived in Israel, before Sukkot so she is still in her 2 week quarantine. Not sure what the rules will be after that.)

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