What a busy, beautiful weekend of family celebration, in honor of our newest bar mitzva boy!

I appreciate that the photographer took a lot of spontaneous pictures.

It’s not easy to get a picture of a large group of people, and it’s basically impossible to get a picture without someone blinking or moving. And with late afternoon temps in the 90s, tired children….everyone did great!

It was a lot of work cooking and baking and organizing, but I had so much sincere enjoyment that it didn’t seem so significant.
This week’s Torah portion was the third longest in the entire Torah – my last son had a double parsha, and this parsha was more than twice as long as the double parsha!
This bar mitzva boy is a late reader, but he not only prepared the entire parsha, but the haftarah as well. Many people commented to me on how confident he was, that his reading was clear, loud and accurate. He was consistent and persistent in his preparations, and we are all so proud of him!
His reading took an entire hour. Literally. It was really, really long. Afterwards, he told me he felt a bit sad that it was over, and he was sorry he hadn’t read the haftarah more slowly to enjoy it even more. He’s already planning to prepare some of the Torah reading for an upcoming week!

He’s a wonderful young man and it’s been gratifying watching him grow up.
I’m feeling quite a bit of poignancy, some bittersweet feelings. This was the last of three bar mitzvas in just a little over three years, and it will be a few years until the next one. They really do grow up so fast….
Gorgeous Family K’nh, You should have only Nachas and enjoy watching the children, grandchildren, and more B’ez, grow into families that will continue and spread Yiddishkeit, and Simcha to all. Thank you so much for sharing with us!
Wow, mazal tov, Aviva and family!! Wonderful pictures! I’m so glad that I finally had to opportunity to meet you and some of your great kids <3
Mazal tov Aviva!!! Beautiful pictures of a beautiful family! Thank you for sharing. May you continue to have much nachas from each child!
mazel tov Loads of nachas
Avivah! these are beautiful photos of your beautiful family!! Mazal tov!! May you continue to have lots of nachas from your family!! thank you for sharing.
Mazel Tov~ the pictures are beautiful KAH
Lots of nachas from all of them!
Mazel Tov! Would you mind sharing what you did to help your son learn to read? I have a son who is 11 and reading is very difficult for him. He has trouble both in fluency and accuracy. He is able to read, but his skills are poor both compared to his classmates as well as what is considered normal for his age.
Thank you all so much!