I’ve been a foster parent for over eight years and had monthly home visits by a social worker for all of these years. I’ve had additional walkthroughs with various social workers and officials since the twins came almost two years ago, and every single person has been very favorable – except the GAL.
There’s a tendency to say, ‘Where there’s smoke, there’s fire’, ie, if there’s a complaint, there must be a reason for that. I don’t want to defend myself from baseless claims from the GAL and when I mentioned the accusations against us in my post earlier this week, perhaps didn’t give a perspective and the might leave readers to think, ‘Maybe you think your house is clean and the kids are dressed appropriately but you don’t have a good sense of that, and these complaints are an indication of that’.
Yesterday we had three agency representatives come to visit. First they wanted to see our garden, and oohed and ahhed over how nice it is, while appreciating the goats and chickens. Then they went inside to see the bedrooms; they exclaimed over what a warm and appealing room our seven year daughter has. (This room has been the focus of the complaints; the last time the complaint was that she doesn’t have a desk to do her work at.)
I told them I’m going to show them everything because I don’t want to later have someone claim that they didn’t see something. I started by opening dd7’s drawer, and showed all of her folded clothes. Then I opened the closet door to show her dresses hanging there, then opened another closet door to show her seasonal clothing, and pulled out the large wheeled box under the bed that has all of the younger kids shoes, then the box next to it that has their boots.
I showed them where the toys are, then pointed out the boxes on top of the closet are the clothing and shoes for the upcoming season.
Then we went into the boys room and I did the same, showing the toys in storage boxes under the beds, the hanging clothing and toys in the cabinet, and even where the sheets and towels are stacked.
They were very pleased with everything, and told me my house already looks ready for Pesach. When their supervisor Zoomed in with us, the other supervisor told her that they had seen everything and everything is extremely orderly and pleasant. They even commented on how delicious the house smells. š (My son had finished baking muffins for his mishloach manos an hour before.)
This is how my house has looked every single time anyone has come. There’s nothing different I did that I hadn’t done before. Actually, this time I didn’t clean the walls the night before (last time they came when they had been freshly painted), because I really wanted to prepare mishloach manos to give to all of the teachers, school bus drivers and attendants, and school guard. The tradeoff of having cleaner walls but not being able to give to these people wasn’t something I was willing to do. It would have been compromising Purim preparations for the sake of this meeting.
I felt very calm and at peace in the two days before the meeting. Prior to that I was preoccupied thinking about the kids possibly being moved and the ramifications of that on ds8, but once I mentally accepted it might happen, I didn’t feel worried anymore.
My husband also spoke to a lawyer the morning before, and one of my married sons spoke to an advocate, so I felt we had people to help us if it came to that.
After the tour of our home, we sat down outside to talk. The head supervisor told me that they think we are the ideal family for the children. Their reason for coming is to first of all, be able to tell the court they were there, and secondly, to sit down with us and tell us they want us to know we have their full support.
They are concerned that all of these complaints are causing us stress and taking away the energy we need to parent the children (she’s right about that!). While they’ve told us what’s happening behind the scenes to be transparent with us, they don’t want us to be pressured and they will take care of everything in court. The judge may want to meet us at a later point, and they would be very glad for her to do so, since “in one minute she’ll see what kind of amazing parents you are”.
They said there’s absolutely no concern about the kids being removed or us being charged with anything, and all of them understand the claims against us are baseless. They want us to mentally put the GAL and all of her claims to the side, and keep our headspace for the kids.
It was really nice feedback for my husband and I, and very reassuring. It really took a load off of our minds and we are so grateful. Just in time to celebrate Purim!
Baruch Hashem!!! Thank you for sharing before Purim, as I’m sure I am far from alone in being concerned about what happened. Purim Samayach!
You won the Lottery Avivah and Family! This is an amazing Yeshoua your family needed! May you continue t have much nachat from all your children and grandchildren, and may you always be able to give to others that need it so much!
Rivka and Rachelli, BH and the timing was amazing! Though I was very calm about it, it was still a weight off of my shoulders when the meeting was over. My husband has the same feeling, that after all of these complaints it was affirming to feel that people involved are seeing the reality.
Wow! What a great way to go into Purim! I was thinking about you all day yesterday, so thank you so much for sharing. As your daughter said to you the other day, you are a lucky mommy and she is a lucky girl. Baruch Hashem!
B”H I am so so glad this meeting went well! Had you in my tefillos yesterday and was really hoping to come back to a happy update today š
Purim sameach!
I’m so glad the meeting went well! I hope the judge will be able to meet you without too much disruption to your schedule! I’m glad your family can enjoy the holiday with more peace.
YAY!!!!Baruch Hashem!!!!!
You and your foster children won the “lottery”. And all of your children, their families, and your husband, too.
I wish I had a small fraction of your focus, commitment, drive and skills.
Wow. BH Iām so happy you got the validation you so deserve!