Twenty years today!

Today my husband and I celebrated our twentieth anniversary!

When I look back at the last two decades (I feel waaay too young to be able to say something like that!), my primary feeling is one of gratitude.  Like every married couple, we’ve had our share of tough times.  This year in particular with having made aliyah and the last six weeks even more specifically have been especially challenging.  And yet somehow all of these recent challenges seem so much easier to deal with than the difficult periods I remember from years ago.  I think a huge part of that is both of us having worked on ourselves as individuals and also as partners, so that we’re able to be there for each other and support each other as we are given the chance to expand ourselves with these newest growth opportunities.

I don’t like to talk about this on my blog or in real life because I know how fortunate I am and that not everyone has what I’ve been given in life, but for this particular post, I’m going to say it.  I’ve been unbelievably blessed by being married to a very special person.  I thought my husband was wonderful when we got married – and he was! – but sometimes I’m awed at his development over the last twenty years.  It’s very inspiring.  (In case you’re wondering, he doesn’t read my blog and I’m not going to tell him I wrote this. :))

My overwhelming feeling at this stage is one of happiness to be right where I am in life at this moment.  No, life isn’t always easy and sometimes it’s downright painful, but having someone to walk through life with is a huge, huge blessing that I don’t take for granted at all!


20 thoughts on “Twenty years today!

  1. Mazal Tov! I love reading your blog as we are at very similar stages in life, we just celebrated our 20th kah and my kids are very similar ages to yours! Mazal tov and many more happy years together with your dear husband.

  2. Happy anniversary!

    Having just celebrated our 13th I very much understood what you meant about things getting easier, even in the difficult times. I feel like my husband and I know both ourselves and one another a lot better than when we first married and trials (though very hard!) are easier to handle in a certain way. I’m encouraged to know this can continue to grow and I hope to be as blessed as you all by our 20th!

    1. Thank you all for your good wishes, and for those of you celebrating anniversaries now as well, congratulations to you all and may you have many more happy years together!

  3. HI my name is Liba Yoffe I have 2 children.> me and my husband plan on moving to Karmiel after the chagim. WE are both from the States and have been living in Yerushalayim for 5 years. My husband was learning and know wants to work we are not extremely Charedie(were american so that already says something on Israeli standards..) I am nervious about fitting in. and making friends… were looking for a place that has a strong core of Yiddishket but is open minded and excepting. …..
    would you advise young American couples to move their(that are not Joining the kollel)??
    thanks and Mazel tov

    1. Hi, Liba, welcome! The charedi community in Karmiel is fairly open and accepting, and the way you’ve described yourself I don’t think you’ll have trouble fitting in and making friends. Be sure to introduce yourself to me once you move here!

  4. Mazeltov, Avivah! May you enjoy many more happy and healthy years together. Thanks for your blog! Its always an inspiration.

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