What a beautiful evening our son’s wedding was!
We are still floating with joy at the joining of these two wonderful souls. What a special and beautiful couple they make!
I was so touched by the presence of friends from different stages in our lives – Beitar, Seattle, Baltimore, Karmiel and Ramat Beit Shemesh. There were a couple of women who even knew me from high school, as well as a friend who I met at 16 and several others who came for the bride’s side but turns out also knew me from when I was in seminary (age 17/18). It was very special to have friends share this milestone event with us and I can’t describe how much it meant to me to have each person there.
I don’t have official wedding photos yet; what I have are some pictures taken by people on the sidelines when the photographer wasn’t looking (he didn’t allow pics taken at the same time he was shooting). Though they are the same poses by the photographer you’ll see that some of these are obviously in between moments and hopefully my family will forgive me posting these. (Edited to add – some of my children were NOT happy with the photos I shared and were therefore removed. Here is the link to the official photos.)
First, me and my husband.
I had some angst about my gown after it arrived. A blog-reader-turned-friend-turned-seamstress-for-the-wedding asked me what my concern was. I told her I was concerned the color was too much.
She responded, “This gown is to the ‘mother-of-the-groom black-gown’ phenomena what homeschooling is to the ‘keep your kid in an unhealthy schooling situation’ phenomena. It’s so in-line with Avivah Werner……”
So I wore it. 🙂
Next, a family picture. Baby Rafael wasn’t feeling well and unfortunately was screaming for the few minutes we took a family photo. 🙁 We put our desire for him to be in the pictures on the back burner since it was clear he needed calming, which is why he doesn’t appear in later photos.
(to be replaced soon)
Below: siblings picture (minus Rafael). Back l- r: ds11, ds9, dd16, dd20, dd22; front l- r: ds18, ds23, ds4, ds15, ds8
(to be replaced soon)
Below: my three lovely girls, l – r, dd16, dd20, dd22.
(to be replaced soon)
(Edited -sorry, they requested I remove this.)Below: seven of our eight wonderful sons. Back l- r: ds9, ds18, ds23, ds15; front l- r: ds4, ds8, ds11.
Below: Rafael (six months) later in the evening with his Bubby, wearing his protective ear gear (sound protection for loud music).
The family pictures together with the bride were taken later in the evening and sadly only two pictures were taken even then. It’s very sad. In any case I don’t have any of those yet. I hate to leave the bride out of the wedding post but I only have one picture and it’s not a good one.
I also don’t have any wedding pictures of the bride and groom yet, so I’ll instead share a picture taken two nights later at the sheva brachos we hosted in our home.

When I used to think about marrying off a child, I imagined it would be a time with a lot of tension (since I’ve heard people talk about it in that way), but it wasn’t like that at all. It has been a wonderful experience all around and we are SO happy to have a new member of the family!
mazel tov! you all look so beautiful! may the sweet couple build a bayis ne’eman b’yisroel, and may we only share simchas!
All the photos look filled with love and hope for the future. We, too, had many children and babies at our family wedding. How wonderful to watch your family grow!
Best wishes and much happiness to all!
WOW!! K’ah!! you all look beautiful and happy!!! May they merit to a build a basis ne’eman biysroel!! And your gown is beautiful 🙂 Lots of nachas!! As a long time reader of your blog, I am so happy you continue to share these milestones with us!! Mazal tov! Mazal tov!!
Mazel tov, mazel tov! May you have so much continued nachas from each and every one of them, and many more occasions to wear that – or a similarly awesome – dress in future.
You looked fabulous! Love your magenta gown. Mazal tov!
Beautiful wedding, beautiful photos, beautiful souls. May this marriage be the most beautiful of all! Much love to you all!
Mazal tov to you and the young couple! I love your gown!
Mazal tov! It looks like a beautiful and joyous celebration.
I’m so glad you shared pictures so we could ‘be’ at the simcha in a small way. Mazal tov and may you continue to have nachas from the whole family. (Your look absolutely beautiful in a perfect dress.)
Mazel tov! May the chosen and kale merit to build a Bayis Neeman BeYisroel! May they, and your other lovely children, continue to give you nachas! It’s the first time I comment here, I found your blog one month ago and I’ve read through it all. Thank you for everything you’ve shared through the years.
Leye-Shprintse 🌹
Mazal tov! What beautiful pictures of a beautiful family! You looked gorgeous, Avivah! ❤❤
Mazal tov! Sounds like truly an amazing time of celebration! B”H!
Mazal Tov! You all look beautiful and so joyous. May you have much nachas!
MAZAL TOV, MAZAL TOV! B”H, everything was beautiful! B”SD
I’m glad you put those earphones on the baby, my oldest does that w/his sun as well, you are such good & responsible parents!!!
Mazek tov!Mazel tov! I never thought about when my grans would get married so it was extra special to me to see what beautiful people they are and are becoming!
It is the melding of two amazing families.
So wonderful to see so many people from so many different times of your life, so many friends from Baltimore and all over Israel.
It was magical happenings with wonderful magical souls!
Thank you all so much for your good wishes and kind comments on my gown. 🙂 🙂 🙂
I wish for each of you to experience as much joy in your own lives as we merited to experience on this evening!
Lots of love to all my wonderful blog readers who are virtually sharing in our happiness!
Mazel Tov and lots of Nachos! Beautiful photos